Part One. - Friend Zone.

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So this story is dedicated to my best friend, @Liz_Vega. She is my biggest support system and my bestest friend. She is an amazing person and this story may kill her, but I do mean it in the best way possible. i'm sorry for the feels ahead of time. Happy two year friendaversary twinnie :)


Luke’s POV

“Luke…” I heard her whine while dragging my name out, annoyed that I wanted to watch another movie even though it was midnight.

“What? It’s just one more movie.” I whined back to her.

“You said that about the last one. We have literally been watching movies all day.” She complained, sounding tired as well.

“Well, first. It was a perfect day for movies, rainy and cold. Second, this one is a horror movie so it will keep you awake.” I smiled proudly.

“Luke, you know I hate horror movies.” She whined again.

“I know. Too bad, it’s starting.” I said, sitting on the couch next to her.

The plan to watch the horror movie was not scare her, but because I knew she would be scared and would want someone to hold her. And the plan was going wonderfully. The first five minutes of the movie and she was already cuddled up into my side. She shook slightly in my grasp, due to the fact that the mutant was chasing after a helpless victim.

It was about half way through the movie and Liz had shrieked about fifty times. She was no longer watching the movie, but hiding her head in my side. She was trying to avoid seeing or hearing people get mutilated. I was enjoying the movie because I loved the thrill horror movies gave me. I would sometimes jump slightly, but I was never truly scared by them. I was also enjoying the movie because it caused Liz and I to be within very close contact.

About an hour after that, the movie finally ended. Liz was not thrilled with the ending. She peaked up when I said it was an okay time to look – which was like five minutes before the movie ended – but the ending left the audience with suspense because the mutant reappeared with what was suppose to be fresh blood on his face.

“That was just pure torture. I hate you.” Liz said as she untangled herself from me and gave me a pout.

“You do not. If you really did, you would have left when I said I wanted to watch a horror movie.” I replied, smiling back at her.

“Yeah, yeah. But now I need to calm down before I head home. Let’s watch one more movie so I can relearn my ability to breathe and become settled before I drive.” She said, walking to the movie collection.

I watched her sift through the collection, watching her face as she read every title. Most of the time, it was impassive, but if she came to a horror movie, she would scrunch up her face or if it was a movie with a chance, she would smile. She finally chose one because her face lit up as her index finger slid the top corner of the movie from the row, allowing her whole hand to grasp it.

She crawled over to the DVD player and placed the disc in the tray. I was fine with the mystery of not knowing the title of the movie. I was watching her gracefully make her way around my small living room. She knew it too well; our movie nights were always taken part at my house.

She sat down on the couch again, her legs curled up underneath her. She leaned into me again, resting her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and chuckled to the Disney theme song played. I smiled as the cartoon storybook “opened” to start the story of Cinderella. I was okay with watching it. It was her favorite Disney princess and who was I to turn it down.

About half way through the movie, I glanced down at her, wondering why she was so quiet during the movie. Her eyelashes were meshed together, resting peacefully on her cheekbones. I smiled at her, loving how she was always so comfortable around me.

It also bothered me that she could never see that our comfortableness was what allowed me to fall in love with her. Our friendship that we had formed three years ago caused me to learn every little detail about her – but only after I peeled away each layer that had formed around her secrets – and caused me to love everything that encompassed her.

It dampened my heart every time she went with a new guy because eventually the guy would cause her heart to be shattered into a million pieces. And every time I would be the one to pick up the pieces of her heart, gluing them back together the best I could. Meanwhile, while I helped heal her, my heart would gain a new crack. It saddened me that she could never see that I needed her like a drug and she was just oblivious to the fact.

I smiled at her nevertheless though, and turned to look back at the screen. Cinderella and the prince were just starting to waltz around the room and I imagined it being her and I. I smiled at us in a scene like that, but it would never happen. And it wasn’t just because she was unaware of my love for her, but because she hardly ever wore dresses and it would be something to try to get her in one.

I rested my head on top of hers, feeling my eyes getting heavier. Within a few more seconds, the vision became black and I could feel myself falling asleep.


I woke up, a hazy light drifting through the window. It seemed like it was cloudy outside, but the sun was trying to peak its way through the clouds. When my senses became a little clearer, I felt a weight lying on top of me. I soon realized that I was lying flat on my couch and Liz was in between my body and the back of it. I smiled at her; her head was on my chest, a hand gently resting on my chest as well. My legs were tangled with hers and I was mesmerized that we got that way. It just seemed like we fit together so well, but if she woke up to see how we were, she wouldn’t think anything of it.

I was perfectly content staying the way we were until she woke up, but the annoying sound of her ringtone caused her to awaken much sooner than I wanted. She stirred, the noise obviously annoying her too. I groaned, to make it seem like I just woke up.

“Liz. Turn your damn phone off.” I mumbled to her, my voice sounding deeper because I hadn’t used it since last night.

“I’m getting there.” She said, wiggling out from between the couch and me, leaving me cold and missing her presence.

“I’ll be right back.” She said, sounding happy and I could only imagine that it was her current boyfriend calling.

I waited for about five minutes before she came back in, a wide smile on her face.

“Someone got a good call.” I sat up on the couch and tried to sound happy, but I don’t think Liz caught on that I wasn’t.

“Yeah. It was Michael. He wants me to meet him for lunch. Or dinner. I dunno. It’s like three o’clock in the afternoon.” She said, giggling about the fact that we had slept way later than either of us intended.

“Anyway, I told him I would meet him soon, so I have to go. Thanks for our movie night Luke. You’re the best.” She said, coming to me and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I blushed at the action, but it went unnoticed by her as her back was to me because she was walking out.

“I’ll call you tomorrow, at ten, okay?” She said quickly, not waiting for an answer as she rushed out the door.

I sighed to myself, wishing she would get that excited about me. I understood she did get excited about me, but it wasn’t in the same way. It wasn’t in a romantic way and that was what was frustrating me. But I guess it was just my density to be in the friend zone with her. I groaned, while falling back on my couch.

Maybe I would go out tonight, to try to get my mind off of her. I knew it would be pointless but I knew my friend would like to go out for a drink. So I called him up and made plans to meet at a bar. I got up to get ready for what was sure to be an eventful night.

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