Page 17 - Fangs Of Rose

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"You're sure it's this place...?" mumbled Renei as they approached a small building in a back alley. "Well, it looks different from the last time we were here,'s got the sane atmosphere." replied Alec nervously as he looked at the sign.

"Seiyana Lionoiria"

"She still kept that sign...? This isn't good for us." he pointed out, shocking her. "Is she a fearsome warrior, then?!" Renei asked worryingly. "You're...half-right, if even that." he ambiguously explained as he gulped, entering the building, Renei after him in confusion.

As they entered the bar, Alec immediately pushed Renei to the right, jumping to the left as a plate flew their way, crashing into the wall, frustrating Alec. "Siya! Someone entered and dodged the attack!" yelled a man behind the counter. "Just throw...second one or whatever!" replied a feminine voice from a backroom, sounding tired and annoyed.

"Wait, don't th--" "You heard the boss!" the man yelled again, pulling out a large pile of plates as Renei and Alec stood up, Renei smiling weirdly. "The bar's closed!" he declared as he threw the plates, Renei blocking them with her paladin sword immediately, surprising Alec and the man.

"A-Ah, now's a good change!" thought Alec as he charged in, jumping over a small table as he pulled out his sword, quickly making it to the man and pointing the blade at his throat. "Alec Khrom, son of Alfonse Khrom! I demand a conversation with Siya Fronegood!" he yelled in the man's face, leaving him speechless as they all heard a loud crash from the backroom.

"Alec, explain to me, what's happening and why are they throwing utensils at us?" asked Renei, losing her patience as she held the sword with her hand, resting it on her shoulder. "Y-Yeah, just wait a mi--" "Did the brat say Khrom?!?!" yelled the woman from behind, walking towards the door from inside the backroom, stomping loudly and slowly, causing the man to back away from Alec's sword, ducking under the counter, causing Alec to look at Renei, petrified as he shook his head slowly, confusing her.

As they watched, the door to the backroom opened, emerging a woman with a scruffy cyan hair, an angry look on her face as she pinned her eyes on Alec as she began walking over to him. "Wait, Ms. Fronegood--" tried to explain Alec as the woman landed her fist in his stomach, sending him flying into a table, leaving wind behind and widening Renei's eyes.

"That's one for your father, punk." she said, regaining her composure as she looked over at Renei, finding her speechless. "And you? The little punk found himself a half-decent girlfriend?" she asked, causing Renei to shake her head. "That's not important right now! We have a request!" yelled Renei as Alec walked back, popping his back as he straightened it.

"It's...nice to see you, Ms. Fronegood..." he muttered as he parted the dust off of himself. "At least you've gotten a little stronger...AND you don't cry when you're hurt, finally." she pointed out as she crossed her arms in annoyance.

"Hey, shouldn't I be the annoyed one here...?" thought Alec. "That aside, we have an important request, so please listen to us!" Alec begged desperately as he bowed in front of her, causing her to raise an eyebrow. "About that war, right?" she asked, shocking them both as Alec raised his head quickly.

"H--" "How'd I know? Your daddy sent a letter. Any other questions?" she cut him off confidently. "W-What...?! Dad did? How did he know we were going to come here?!" he yelled in confusion. "Your dad's a smart man, Alec. He probably tried to cover all of his suspicions, so he sent the letter?" Renei jumped in the conversations as she carefully walked closer to the two of them.

"If by smart you mean an utter fool, then yes, but I still don't know what you want, so spit it out or leave my bar with you fingers twister like one fool I read about." Siya begrudgingly demanded, getting a smile from the two of them. "Then please...give us shelter for a little while--" tried to say Alec as Siya immediately grabbed his wrist, pulling him up and throwing him at a wall, surprising him and Renei.

"Little brat thinks he can ask to stay under my roof just like that?!" she yelled as she quickly pulled her hair up, roping it in a twist, beginning to walk towards Alec as Renei stepped in front of her. "This could be done verbally, at least this time." Renei said calmly, smiling at Siya as Alec watched in fascination.

"Wait, that's Renei, right? The same one I've been with all this time?" he thought to himself as he felt painful, sitting down on the ground. "Ah, a fearless one... I see it in your little, pretty eyes, girl." Siya let out as she gave a gaze of judgement, scanning Renei as she didn't move a muscle.

"Good, you'll work well enough." Siya said in a serious tone as she patted Renei in a rough manner, winking at her. "Hey, Fool's son! Come here quickly." she told him as he promptly followed her, leaving Renei standing there in confusion as she looked down. "Did you see that? I'm not...a monster, and you like that, right?" she thought to herself as she watched Siya pull Alec to the side.

"Listen, I can't simply let you stay here, kid. It would ruin people's view on me and that's...well, it would seriously suck if they didn't fear me; it's kinds funny ruling them around, you know?" she began rambling, causing Alec to avert his eyes slowly, smiling awkwardly as he gripped his arm, thinking it would ease the pain.

"So, what try and kill me?" she asked, widening his eyes. "What are you saying?!" he replied in a yell. "Wait, wait, I didn't make myself really clear. Let's say...a public death match!" she clarified, getting an angry stare from Alec.

"What gives? This is a top opportunity; I've never been beat, both in alcohol fights and real fights, about you try?" she began poking him as she suggested. "N-No! The chances are against me; you're--" "Quiet, now... You don't wanna die right now, right?" she asked in a whisper as she places her finger on his lips, causing him to fidget in fear.

"So? Fight and try to murder me...or you can just leave and stay on the streets. Your choice." she finished as she stepped back away from him. Turning his head towards Renei, Alec smiled, surprising her as he turned back towards Siya.

"If I choose to fight Siya Fronegood...I'll probably die, though..." he mumbled to himself as he looked at her. "If I win, you'll listen to the context and let us stay here, right?" he asked, hiding his shaking hand from her, failing easily as she grinned at him.

"Yeah, why not? If I end up dying, of course..." she menacingly said to him as she turned around, beginning to walk back to her backroom. "For the time being, you're sleeping outside the bar. We'll settle it tomorrow." she finished as she entered her room, shutting the door with force.

"What'd she say?" asked Renei as she walked over to him, finding him shaking on his feet. "What happened?!" she yelled as Alec put his hand over her mouth, shutting her up and causing her to blush. "Quiet. There's still that guy under the counter." he said as he averted his eyes in that direction and back at her as he got close to her, beginning to whisper to her.

"Siya Fronegood is an Aeterna."

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