Chapter Five

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Ellie's P.O.V

I didn't sleep at all last night. I was too busy thinking about my parents. The look on their faces when the car was coming towards us still haunts me to this very day


Me, mum and dad were driving to the zoo. I couldn't wait to go. They had been telling me that they will take me soon and for my birthday they finally decided to take me. I loved animals and getting to spend the day with my parents would be even better. We were almost at the car park when my dad turned around to face me to talk to me, only for about 10 seconds. But with in that time we had swerved onto the other side of the road into incoming traffic. That's when it happened. Another car came towards us and couldn't stop. It hit us right in the side of the car. The side my mum was on. The car didn't hit me at all but it completely took the front of the car off. I started crying, I could see blood pouring out of my mothers head and my dad just laying there still; not breathing. The man in the car who hit us, got away with a few scrapes nothing serious. He heard me crying and carefully took me out of the car and called an ambulance. 

*end of flashback*

''Ell, Ellie? Ellie come on snap out of it'' I felt someone shaking me, opening my eyes I saw Amy and the boys crowding around me but obviously Niall wasn't there. 

''Ellie you had a nightmare its all okay'' Little did the guys know that it wasn't a nightmare it was real. All of it. 

''Um yeah a nightmare yeah that's what it was'' I looked at Amy who knew exactly what i was talking about. She shooed all the boys out of our dorm and sat next to me, hugged my shoulders and just let me cry it out. No one understood why I cried so much but i blame myself entirely for my parents death. If dad hadn't turned round to talk to me everything would be fine but i just had to make him talk to me didn't I?

After my episode, I had a shower and got changed. I put on my sports bra, a vest, running shorts and running shoes. I only go running if I'm upset, it helped me get it all out of my system. Today I felt like going quite far so i shoved my phone in my phone patch and put it on my wrist, took a water bottle from the kitchen and filled it up with water. I was on my way outside when I bumped straight into a group of boys running around. 

''NO NO LEAVE ME ALONE LI'' I knew that voice anywhere; Louis. I turned around and saw 5 guys running after each other. 

''excuse me Louis you almost knocked me over''

''SORRY ELL LIAM TRIED TO TAKE MY PHONE AND THEN WE ALL GOT INVOLVED. WHY ARE YOU DRESSED FOR RUNNING'' I looked at Louis, everyone had now stopped and started looking at me. I felt so self conscious about myself so I just turned around and walked around another corner and took off sprinting. I felt like i was being followed but every time i looked round no one was there. 

I had been running for about 2 House straight now. I forgot how much I love running. I sat down on a near by bench by Starbucks when a guy with brown curly hair walked up to me and sat down. 

''Well there you are Miss Carter I thought we had plans then you just took off'' I turned round to the guy realizing it was harry. 

''Oh crap yeah I'm sorry I needed to clear my head and stuff'' I looked at the floor not knowing what to say. 

''Well would you like a lift home?'' Harry asked with a smile.

''That would be great thanks'' I got up and walked to Harry's car with him. He had a Range Rover sport in black with matte black wheels and blacked out windows. He saw me checking it out and smirked. I looked at him and said ''Dont smirk at me, just because I like cars styles''

''You like cars huh? I could tell from the other night when you were doing 100mph down the highway the other night'' I felt myself blush. No one had noticed that about me ever before, they just thought I wanted to get somewhere fast. We both bopped in and drove back to the complex. Soon Harry's phone was ringing so he pulled over. 

''Hello-yeah shes with me- I'll be there as soon as i can I'm about 10 minutes away- yeah I will bye''

''who was that?'' I asked Harry. ''It was Liam, he has some news about Nialls dad''

''what do you mean?''

''you knew Niall before right?'' My silence gave Harry the answer. ''Okay so you will know that his dad was a gang leader. Part of a gang called 'the avenues', worst gang you could come across. Nialls dad was head of it and made Niall stop being Friends with everyone. Niall got hocked on the idea of being in the gang and started getting tattoos and piercings until his body was covered in ink. He soon left that gang once his dad got killed and he joined the gang 'One Direction' which is mainly run by me, Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall. We have about 200 people in our gang and could pretty much take down anyone we wanted. However, me and the boys have never killed anyone before and we don't plan on it, we just protect people that's all.'' 

Before I could process everything Harry told me, he had pulled up outside their dorm on campus and was ushering me out. Once we got inside all we saw was the boys around a certain blonde boy but what surprised me most was that... He was crying.

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