At the very least to say, Dutch was not the most excited when Jane came back with them.
They strode into camp, and Jane grew more nervous by the second.
"Only you," taunted Bill as they rode by, "would go on a job, and bring a lady back with you."
"Listen, I had no say in this. This woman's damn insane," Arthur said back.
Jane huffed. "That's no way to talk about a lady."
"I wan't aware that 'ladies' shot people and jumped off a train with outlaws." Arthur retorted. "And once we meet with Dutch, you're going to have a lot of explaining to do, Miss."
Jane stayed silent, with the butterflies in her stomach turning into angry moths. They left the trees and trotted into a clearing.
She was surprised at what she saw. There had be around 20 people, some girls and some men, and of all ages. They were all scattered around a camp, with a bunch of wagons and tents.
Arthur hopped off his horse, then helped Jane off. She grasped her skirt in her fists nervously, hiding behind him slightly.
"Follow me, woman," he said, walking into the camp.
Hesitantly, she trailed behind him. People stared at her as she walked past. They watched her, as if she had done something horribly wrong. She noticed one in particular who looked outraged at the sight of her.
"Who the hell is that, Morgan?" He yelled.
"I barely know myself, Micah." Arthur yelled back, in not the nicest tone. "Now, unless your name is Dutch or Hosea, I don't want to speak to you."
The man, Micah, laughed. "Oh, calm yourself, cowpoke."
Arthur lead her to the biggest tent, where a man dressed in nice clothes stood. "Dutch," he called, causing the man to turn to him. "We, uh..."
Dutch eyed her suspiciously. "Who is this?"
Arthur shrugged. "Not quite sure. Lenny and I went for a train job, and this woman decided to follow us, pretty much begging us to take her with us."
"I did not beg," she said.
Dutch just sighed and rolled his eyes. "Well, what's you name, Miss?"
"Jane O'Hare."
"Well, Jane O'Hare," he continued. "What the hell are you doing in my camp?"
She cleared her throat, her fingers playing with her skirt fabric. "Um, well, it's a long story."
He leaned against a chest that had been stacked on top of crate. "We've got time."
Arthur crossed his arms and looked her expectantly.
"Well," she began, "I was on the train that they robbed. My father dropped me off at the station and I was on the way to St. Denis. I didn't want to go. So, I went with them."
Arthur cut in. "She didn't just go with us. Believe me, Lenny and I didn't have much say in this. She pulled a gun out of God know where and shot a guard. Then, she jumped off the damn train with us into a river, knowing damn well she couldn't swim."
"That's mighty brave," Dutch said, pointing at her. "And also insane."
"Well, that's most people here," Arthur said.
"Very true," Dutch narrowed his eyes at her. "So, Miss O'Hare, why didn't you want to go St. Denis? It better be a good reason."
She bit her lip before answering. Was she about to tell her life story to a pair of strangers?

"Anytime, Cowgirl." : Arthur Morgan X OC
FanfictionArthur Morgan wasn't a man who believed in "happily ever after"'s. As an outlaw, a crook, a man with a bounty on his head, he didn't have time to dream about fairy tales. That's until a certain cowgirl, Jane O'Hare, flips his world upside-down, and...