"Chapter 3: New life"

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Willow stared at Lex. “So,” she asked. “So what?” He responded. “What are we going to do?” Willow shrugged and suggested, “Teach me how to fight?” He looked at her with a smile. “Yeah you definitely need to learn how!” He then took Willow by the hand and led her outside of the cottage.

He walked over to a small shed and opened the door. Inside was a bow and arrows, a spear, a sword, and a dagger. “So, when you fight, you always need to have a weapon to defend yourself,” Lex said. “So choose which one you think you would like best.” Willow looked at all the weapons. Which one would be easiest, she thought. Her arms weren’t weak, and she loved being able to get things from a long distance. “Maybe a bow and arrows?” Said Willow as she took the bow and examined it. It was made of strong wood and has a design of vines all around it. It looks beautiful, she thought.

Lex motioned with his arm for her to follow him. They started walking through a meadow. The grass swayed as the wind blew it in different directions. It was a sunny day, with no clouds in the sky. She continued following him until they got into a clearing in the center of the meadow. “Alright,” Lex started, “this is the perfect place to practice. There are targets hidden further in the meadow, and in some of these trees.” Willow took a deep breath and nodded.

Lex then showed her how to hold the bow properly, where to lay the arrow, and how to shoot. He then went to the side of the clearing, and sat down to watch.

Willow took an arrow, laid it against the side of the bow, and pulled the string with the arrow connected. She closed one eye and separated her legs so she could have a firm pose to shoot easily. Willow pointed the tip of the arrow to the middle of the target that was set in a tree. She then took a couple of deep breathes, then, she let go.

The arrow shot so fast she wasn’t able to see it. She then looked at the target. She got it right in the middle. Lex stood up surprised. “Your a natural,” he said in astonishment. “Thanks,” she replied.

After a an hour of practicing and getting every target, Willow sat down. “Are we done yet?” Lex looked at her and nodded. So they headed back for the cottage. It was now evening so the sun started setting. A chilling wind blew past Lex and Willow, and made her shiver.

They finally made it to the cottage and told Willow to put the bow and arrows back in the shed. She then got back and went inside. “Is there anything to eat? I’m starving!” Lex looked like he forgot all about it then finally remembered, so he went to a cabinet and took out a bag with bagels. “Sorry I didn’t catch anything yesterday, so this is the only food I have left.” Willow looked at him in wonder. She then said, “I bet you don’t go to the village often.” Lex nodded. “Once every month heh heh.” She giggled, hanging out with him made her feel better. “Anyway I don’t have two beds, so from now on -since your living with me now- i’ll sleep on the couch, you can take my bed.” Willow nodded and gave him a grateful look, she then walked to her new room and plopped on the bed.

Laying on the bed and staring through the window, watching the stars, she wondered what her future would be like. Should she continue living with him? Maybe move to a village far away? Or maybe live in the woods, all by herself? These were questions she could not answer now. For right now, she was happy living with Lex.

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