Chapter 3

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[not proof read, please ignore mistakes]

Chapter 3

Cheryl was woken up by muffled cheers and shouts coming from what seemed like the football field outside, near the building where Cheryl's room was. Cheryl groaned, squinting her eyes from the bright sunlight that crept through the dull blue curtains.

Blue? Cheryl's curtains weren't blue.

Cheryl sat up immediately, bringing up the white sheets with her once she realised her top half was fully exposed. Her heart beat began to speed up as Cheryl's brown eyes darted around the room, quickly noticing this was defiantly not the room that herself and Veronica shared. But the thing that made her stomach do backflips was the realisation that she was not alone in the bed, to her right was Toni sleeping on her front with her tanned bare back exposed, her bodu lifting gracefully with every slow breath. Her arms were tucked under the white pillows as she laid facing the wall, away from Cheryl. Her brown and pink hair was tied up into a bun which, by now, had mostly fallen out.

Before Cheryl could even begin to regret what happened last night, about how they got back to the room, about what they did, she had already clambered out of Toni's bed. It was situated on the right side of the room and the other single bed seemed untouched, but it was obvious Toni didn't live in the dorm by herself. There were two desks both covered in books, makeup, pens, papers, a laptop and what ever else a college student would need. Other than that, the room seemed pretty clean, despite the fact that Cheryl was certain that the darker girl spent almost all of her time in here. She wondered where her roommate was, and gulped at the fact she could probably walk in at any given moment.

During the time Cheryl spent observing, she didn't waste any time in pulling up her red dress, that she wore last night, over her body. She made sure to stay silent, or at least very quiet, as she didn't want to have the awkward conversation with Toni if she was to wake up. Cheryl picked up her heels and her phone that sat face down on the rug, holding them the same hand before sneaking to the door and slowly pulling it open. She looked over her shoulder one last time at Toni, who laid there sleeping soundly, clearly not disturbed by Cheryl getting up. She sighed before she slipped out the doorway. Almost holding her breath, Cheryl squeezed her eyes shut and closed the heavy, wooden door behind her without making a sound.

Cheryl began to walk barefooted along the carpeted hallway to her room which was about ten doors down. Her walk eventually turned into a jog, though, once she noticed how much of a mess she must look. Her hair was a state, as brushing it out didn't even cross her mind whilst in Toni's room. She wore last nights dress which wasn't even zipped at the back, mainly because she couldn't reach but also she wanted to get out there as quick as possible. Her heels and phone were both balanced in one hand as Cheryl used her other to grip tightly onto her door handle.

Cheryl took a deep breath, closing her eyes once again as she cursed herself out loud for being so careless last night. Was she really that bored of waiting for Veronica to come back and from talking to Reggie that she just needed something to do? Or did she do it because yesterday just felt... different?

In an attempt to remove the thoughts from her mind, Cheryl shook her head. She was certain that she'd never let herself talk to Toni again and she was definitely certain that she would never, ever, tell anyone about what had happened. She had acted so out of character, probably surprising Toni but most certainly surprising herself. But who cares right, girls do that all the time - it's college after all, they're just experimenting. Maybe Toni wouldn't remember a thing by the time she had woken up. Charming girls into her bed was a daily occurrence for her, she must've done it many times before. Nothing made any girl different from the other-

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