A MANs fight within himself to not lose himself to a darkness growing inside his mind that seem bent on destroying his life and everyone around him. Plus photos of creatures and places that mirrors this world their world is made up of folded rea...
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You can tell Robert we've done nothing but talk as good friends no more no less go back and read the text I do enjoy the bulshit you know what time it is really there is a moment during the night when the day and night have equal light and dark spread over the Earth at that time darkness is equal with the light day matches the night evil and good are equal it's at this time when we humans have more controls then all the other entities and beings in this world it's at that time that witch or warlock as you guys what to call them their power is at full strength because everything else is equaled but there's no equal to a human to a soul so only real Power works if you're awake it has be perfect with strong soul and will so be careful when your awake thanking that it's still night as the Sun light breaks the horizon just know it's an hour too late because Nature's walkers have sang their song and and hope that your name was not in voices
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