Part 5 - A little closer

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“… get off of me now?”

Draco pulled away and looked at the brunette under him. Her face was flushed with color, her lips, slightly open, were swollen because of the kiss and her eyes were bright, even under the shade of his shadow.

“I don’t think she can see us now,” she pointed out in a shaky breath.

But Draco only stared down at her, his eyes were sheen and dark. He raised his hand and did a slight flick, the doors for the balcony were closed. Bu his weight never shifted as he remained on top of her, intense and breathing deeply. Hermione felt her stomach flip and claw.

“What’s wrong, Granger?”

He whispered as he lowered his lips down to her exposed neck, but his lips never touched her skin, his hot breath only tickled it, making Hermione suck in her breath.

Unconsciously, Hermione kneed Draco just above his lions.

Draco groaned and did a double take as he landed on the bed beside her, clutching his stomach.

“MERLIN WOMAN!” He groaned in pain.

Hermione took in deep breaths and propped herself up with her elbows. Slowly, she took deep breaths again and calmed her furiously beating heart until she regained her composure. Draco was on his back, still clutching his stomach, his face twisted. It wasn’t that Draco couldn’t take a hit, but he never expected that move from her, but he had to acknowledge, the woman was strong.

“I’m sorry,” she said in a hushed voice and bit her lips nervously.

“Bloody hell woman!”

It took a few minutes for Draco to settle down from his curses, and they retired on their love bed with an arm’s length distance between them. Hermione fidgeted with her fingers. She had to explain herself, but she was terribly embarrassed that all she could muster up were intermingled noises that sounded like she was being choked.

“Are you having a fit Granger?” Draco asked in a clipped tone, obviously annoyed.

“Iveonlydoneitwithron,” she said the words in one breathe that Draco only caught Ron’s name.

“For Merlin’s sake Granger, speak in English.

“I’ve only slept with Ron okay?” Hermione huffed, trying to hide her embarrassment by looking at the opposite direction so hide her blush.

Now that caught Draco’s full attention that his head snapped to her direction. Despite the fact that she was trying to hide her face, he could still the tinge of color on her cheeks. He was torn between amused and awe, so he kept his silence, smirking like hell though.

“I’m not surprised.”

Hermione threw a piercing look at Draco, she had not expected that. She thought he was going to make a snide comment about her lack of expertise in the matter, or laugh at her at least. But his voice had no trace of irony or anything implying otherwise. Instead, he had a smile on his face. Not a grin or even his famous smirk.

 “What are you playing at Malfoy?” She asked suspiciously.

Draco chuckled, “I’m not playing at anything Granger. I’m just saying that you don’t look like the type who sleeps with just about any bloke. You’ve never been that type.”

The deep flush in Hermione’s cheeks only grew deeper and crawled its way to the roots of her hair. The way he said it was so sincere that it was hard to believe that this was the Malfoy she had gone to Hogwarts with.

“Look who is all grown up,” she said playfully.

“So how far was your last before you hit your dry spell Granger?”

Once again, Hermione grew silent. She deemed herself a sorry excuse of a woman that she wasn’t as active as she should be. God knows, she was terrible at it. Hermione looked at her entwined fingers.

“My last? It was last year of spring, Ron and I kind of got crazy even though we were broken up so... oh you know how it's like!” she furiously hissed and brought her palms to her eyes as if to wipe away the memory.

This time, Draco did laugh and Hermione threw daggered looks at him, but ruefully smiled nonetheless. She had to admit, for a grown woman, it was silly. But then Draco reached out to her and gathered her to him, Hermione was too shocked to say anything otherwise.

“You don’t have to worry, Granger,” Draco said, his voice still full of laughter but it was softened by his actions.

“I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”

A smile found Hermione lips as her head rested on Draco’s chest; this was nice she had to admit. This was a whole other Draco she was witnessing, who knew that prick of a ferret would turn out to be this man?

“It’s okay, this is our assignment, and I’m willing to do anything.”

With that small finality of her statement, Draco tucked his crooked finger under her chin and raised it up to meet his. They were gleaming, but in what manner, Hermione didn’t know, but it sent a violent flutter to her stomach.

“Be careful of what you say Granger,” he drawled.

Hermione’s breath was caught in her throat as she was overwhelmed by the distance between them again. It was intoxicating how Draco’s breath stirred the stray strands of her hair and the way his beautiful eyes flickered from hers and back to her lips, which were half open.

“Ready to work?”

A smile replaced the previous look on Hermione’s face, “most definitely.”

Draco swung himself out of bed and held out his hand for Hermione who laughed at him but accepted it nevertheless. He pulled her on her feet and they were back in each other’s arms.

“I’m famished by the way,” Hermione frowned as she smoothened out her dress.

“Then to the Parlor it is.”

But as they were just about to open the door, Hermione stood on her toes and kissed Draco proper. Her heart was fluttering in her chest again, their lips molding into one another and their hands freely roaming to their content.

Hermione pulled away, leaving Draco dazed.

“I have to make sure you always step out of this room looking like you’ve been properly snogged.”

Draco threw his head and laughed, “I like how you think, love.”

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