Chapter 14 - New Beggining

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Days had passed, Blaze and I were working on building a small cabin near the cave we used to inhabit so we'd be close to our previous life. We weren't doing too well, we just managed to cut down some trees and were in the process of turning them into useful wood.

Quore and Frienriester had gone not long after Frienriester came back, and ever since, we didn't hear from them. On the other hand, Fargon and Zayguk stayed on touch, always visiting, plus, they lived less than twenty meters away from us.

They were the ones who ran to a nearby village and stole some supplies for us. The chainsaw we used for cutting the trees, the knife we used for hunting and the canned food we ate from. How they managed to get to them, I don't and neither does Blaze, but we were grateful.

Blaze and I were now finishing off with a tree. I was placing the broad wood plank while Blaze cleaned his hands with a piece old cloth.

Just then, Fargon and Zayguk appeared in the treeline. Zayguk was looking down and had his tail behind his hind legs. Fargon looked sort of worried about his little brother, and then he looked at ne with pleading eyes.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked the cubs.

"Zayguk went on his first hunt" told me Fargon. "And he was about to catch a rabbit when he uh... got distracted and it got away. I think he feels bad about it..."

I looked at young Zayguk to ask him if Fargon was right. His eyes told me that Fargon was speaking the truth. I wanted to make him feel better so badly, but couldn't find a way to, it actually hurt.

"You know, Zayguk, I was once a wolf, and when Blaze took me to my first hunt, I scared all the prey nearby. My point is, first hunts are there so pups like you would understand how it all works. If you haven't succeeded in this one, then you'll learn. Plus, you were pretty good for your first try" I said. Zayguk lifted his head and looked at me in the eye. Unlike Fargon, who had brown eyes, he had blue-grey ones. His fluffy black fur, like Fargon's was turning into different shades of grey and brown.

"Do... do you mean that? Like... are you telling me the truth?" asked Zayguk.

"Of course I am" I told him.

"I... I like how you tell stories..." said Zayguk out of nowhere, while he waggged his tail and looked at me.

"Yeah, that comming from Zayguk should mean a lot" interrupted Fargon, "he never compliments anyone. Probably he wants to hear a story, but is too shy to ask for one."

"That's not true!" Zayguk in my mind and in Fargon's.

"Glice, would you do the honors?" I heard Blaze ask. I turned to face him, but I was too late. He had grabbed me from behind and embracing me in a very sticky hug.

"EW, EW, EW!" I screamed. " You're all sweaty!" I said and he stood back. I tried not to look at his naked torso, but it sort of stood out and I hadn't seen him shirtless before.

When I said he was lean and muscular I sort of said it because that's what he apparently was like, but now I could ensure I said the truth.

Blaze caught me staring, so I looked away as my face started burning from the blush spreading. Even then I wondered how could he have his muscles so defined if he spent all day sleeping or fooling around with Fargon and Zayguk, though it's true every once and then he'd cut the wood, but he just used the chainsaw, that didn't even weight too much.

"But uh... I'm not good with stories..." I mumbled for all those who were present.

"Oh, come on, Glice, everybody here knows that's not true" said Blaze mocking.

"Please?" asked Fargon making the puppy face he knew I couldn't say no to.

"Alright then" I said.

"There was once a little wolf that lived happily with its pack. It lived with the fear of not being good enoughfor the pack, and having to leave it eventually. So he worked hard to be the best of all pups in the pack.

As a youngster, he started realizing that being the offspring of the Beta wasn't easy. Others expected too much from the poor wolf, and he could only try his best to please them, not always succeeding. But the time passed and excesive frustration made the wolf, now almost a fully grown adult, to give up on it. He had been greatly outranged by the other wolves he had grown with. He knew then, that he'd probably end up being a lone wolf.

After he was thrown out of the pack, along with the other unsuccessful wolves, he declined all the invitations from his playmates to join their packs.

Our poor wolf wondered around the woods, eating whatever he could hunt, and drinking just every time he came across a river, lake or whatever source of water he could find.

About a year of just existing, the wolf came across a pack. He had ran into multiple packs before, and was thrown out of the territory all times. He knew better than to go anywhere close to where the wolves were. But this time he didn't do as he was supposed to.

He neared and, hidden among the bushes, watched the beautiful white she-wolf who was hunting a hoe. The wolf just watched from a distance, but when he lost her, he prepared to go back to unowned territory.

Just then, the she wolf appeared in front of him. She asked what was he doing there, he didn't answer. Then she asked if he was a loner and he mumbled a "yes". She wanted to introduce him to her pack, and he just wanted to leave. But she won, and took him to her father, the Alpha.

He seemed to instantly like him, unlike the rest of the wolves. The Alpha invited him in the pack, and he accepted just because of the she-wolf.

That's when he started trying again. He no longer thought life was worthless and meaningless, not now that he belonged to a pack and was about to win a very good looking mate.

Just when this wolf was in his "golden moment" did one of the Beta kill the Alpha and took over the pack. His first action was to put our wolf into exile.

The white she-wolf was claimed by the new Alpha, but she refused, and not only that, she also threatened the previous Beta to run away if our wolf wasn't allowed to stay.

So they both ended up as lone wolves, though they had each other's company. Later they had cubs and formed another pack" I concluded.

"And they lived happily ever after, right?" asked Zayguk.

"Yeah" said Blaze and Fargon at the same time.

"Thanks, Glice, it was actually a very nice story the one you just told m- eh... I mean us, the story you just told us" said Zayguk politetly.

Then he and Fargon started arguing about only God knows what, and they started a playful fight. Blaze and I watched from the distance.

"It's awesome" Blaze said. "The story, I mean. It not only taught Zayguk it was alright to fail sometimes, but it also taught him that that even when everything seems lost, happiness could be found, you just need to find its trigger."

"Woah, Blaze, I didn't mean it to be so deep, I just wanted to cheer the poor puppy up" I said frowning.

"You just don't know what you do, or what you are" he paused. "Or what you mean to me" he whispered. I just smiled at him, but deep inside me I wanted to tell him how what he said wasn't quite right. But I stayed silent, not to ruin the moment.

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