The Start Of Something New

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I can't believe how heavy these boxes are, I didn't think we had this much stuff. At this rate unpacking will last forever.. "Are you nearly done yet?"  Cody, my foster father, yelled from inside. "God you're so slow!" He always knows exactly how to get on my nerves. I carry two boxes inside and see him sitting on the couch (the only thing he didn't make me carry inside) and eating a sandwich. "You know, it would way faster if you'd actually help me." I say crossing my arms. Maybe that wasn't the smartest thing to say.. he gets up and silently walks towards me. At first I thought my words actually got through to him and he was going outside to carry some boxes. But then he stopped and slapped me right in the face, so hard that I fell against the wall. "I'm supposed to start school tomorrow!" I finally managed to say after a few seconds of silence. "Then wear some makeup, you could use some that's for sure." Fighting it is useless, that's a lesson I've learned over the years. I got up and gritted my teeth as I walked outside to continue unpacking.
The new neighborhood is quite small, there are only six houses on this street. Three on the one side, three on the other. Nearly all the houses are either beige or white and they're all equally big. Every house has a garden and in between the houses are small allies which are about 5 feet broad. They all have a balcony and, after a long argument with my foster father, I got the room with the balcony. We both also had our own bathroom attached to our own bedroom.
Once I've finished unpacking my room it's already dark outside. We arrived here at 12 and I haven't eaten since. But because we just moved here the fridge is still empty. We only had one sandwich with us and he ate it. But to be honest, I was too excited to think about the hunger or hatred. Tomorrow I would start at a new school! Every time I'm forced to move and go to a new school I still get excited. Sure, every time I was disappointed when I realized it would be the same as always, but if we don't have something to be excited about we might as well give up right?
With that thought in my head I fell into a deep sleep, where I dreamed of my new start.

I was woken up by the loud noice of my alarm. It was already light out and the birds were singing their happy songs. I'm not a morning person, but every once in a while there would be a morning where you just instantly wake up and feel ready to start a new day. This was one of those days.
My clothes where still packed, but when I packed them I'd already figured out what I was going to wear and packed that last. It wasn't much, just pair of leggings, shorts and a sweater that was a bit oversized. Those always made me feel cozy. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. You could still clearly see the handprint of Cody. His hand was quite large, it covered the entire side of my face. Whenever I touched it it would still feel hot and stingy. 'Washing my face usually cools it down' I thought as I did so. Afterwords I hated to admit Cody was right, I had to put makeup on it. I've never liked makeup. I'm always afraid it will come off and people will see. I was planning to merely put on some foundation, but I was in the mood for glitter so I decided to put on a bit of highlighter as well. After all it was my first day of school.
Downstairs I found Cody passed out on the couch. He was surrounded by cigarette butts and empty beer bottles. 'Did he get that when I was asleep? If he did I'm sure he brought some food with him as well.' Honestly I don't know why I thought that. The fridge was still as empty as it was when we moved in. 'Guess I'll have to buy some food at school then.' Cody's wallet was on the counter. It contained about $30,- so I took that instead.
'This town is a maze, where is that school? I followed the damned instructions.' As I was wandering the streets I saw a girl about my age walking in the opposite direction. "Um excuse me?" I decided to ask her for help. "Yes?" She answered as she looked at me. Her hair was a warm orange and pretty long. "I'm new here and I was wondering if you could maybe tell me where the Sweet Amoris is?" She gave me a warm smile. "I'm actually on my way there now! Let's walk together. My name is Iris, what's yours?" "Really? Thanks so much! It's nice to meet you Iris, my name is Tyler." I smiled back at her and we talked a lot on our way to the high school. It was closer than I thought, and she was really nice to me.
When we arrived at the school Iris went to her classes and I was greeted by the headmistress. She seemed like a lovely person, but something about her told me she could get really mean when she's mad. She told me I had to see Nathaniel to finish my registration, but she left before I could ask her where the student council was. After a few minutes I came across a door that read 'student council room'. 'Alright Tyler, you got this. Just knock, walk in and ask for Nathaniel. You got this, deep breaths!' I cautiously knocked on the door, then opened it. "Hello?" A blonde haired guy looked up from a pile of papers and gave me a nice smile. "I'm searching for Nathaniel.. do you happen to know where he is?" "I'm Nathaniel. You must be Tyler, right? The headmistress told me you were coming today." His smile is very welcoming and warm. It reminded me of better times and I immediately felt comfortable around him. Well, sort of, I don't trust anyone. " you just- hey are you listening?" Fudge! "Oh uhm yeah..! Sorry, sometimes I get lost in my own thoughts" I was humiliated, to say the least. I was preparing myself for him to scold at me, but.. he didn't. Instead he just chuckled and reassured me. "It's fine, don't worry about it. This kinda stuff can be pretty boring haha" "Oh.. thank you Nathaniel." It was silent for a while and we both just kind of looked at each other. Until he scraped his throat and said "Anyway, you just need to hand in a passport photo, a $25 entree fee and then we just need your signature." "Alright, I'll do that! I'll see you later, and thanks for your help." We smiled and I left the room
As I was going to get my passport photo I realized I had no idea where to do that. Once again I found myself wandering the halls of this new huge school. Every hallway I walked into reminded me that this may not be as good as I hoped it would. 'At least I've met two nice people so far.. let's just try and be positive for once' Lost in thought I entered what appeared to be the courtyard. Right when I was wondering how much a passport photo would cost, I bumped into someone. "Watch where you're going!" Startled, I looked up to see a tall guy standing in front of me. He had medium length hair, dyed in the color red. His eyes were gray and I could tell he was annoyed by his entire body language. Well, that and he just screamed at me. "What, you can't talk?" "Of course I can talk, there's no need for you to be rude." The words left my mouth before I could stop them. He looks at me as his eyes narrow. But then he laughs softly and a smirk appears on his face "you must be that new student I heard the headmistress talk about!" "Is it really that obvious?" "The lost look in your eyes, the wandering around, plus I've never seen you before. You're like an open book." "Really? You're the only one that's ever said that." 'Something about him saying that makes me uncomfortable, no one's ever been able to read me before and I liked it that way. Stupid Tyler!!' "Well anyway, I'm sorry for running into you.. literally.." "I'll let it slide this once, because you're new and all." He was about to walk away, but this was my chance. "Wait!" He turned around, slightly annoyed and not bothering to hide it. "Would you maybe know where I can get a passport photo?" He stayed silent for a few seconds, then walked past me. "I'll show you. Hurry up or I'll go without you!" I had to run to catch up with him which seemed to amuse him. "What're you laughing at?" "Well it's not every day you run into someone as helpless as you." "That's kinda unnecessary stranger." "Castiel. My name is Castiel, what about you?" For the first time I smile at him "Tyler"
We talked for a while, and I nearly let my guard down around him. The sneaky bastard. He didn't walk back to the school, said he didn't have any important classes anymore. Cody would kill me if I did that. I felt myself become jealous of him. He was free, or at least he seemed to be.
When I was back at school I felt proud that I remembered the way back to the student council room. Nathaniel was still there, at the end of the day. It must be exhausting doing all that paperwork but he doesn't seem to mind. I admire that about him.
"Hey! Did everything work out alright? You were gone for quite a long while." Nathaniel said as he saw me and smiled his signature smile. "Yeah I got lost, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." "That's alright, you don't have to worry about that." I handed him the money and the photo, he then showed me where to sign. I wished him good luck with his paperwork and we said goodbye.
'This school doesn't seem that bad.. maybe I'll actually fit in this time.' I thought as I walked home.

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