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-Tyler's POV-

12:30 am, 5 and a half hours before getting up
I can't sleep, but for the first time it's for good reasons. I look at the pictures I took today, music blasting in my ears. His eyes look so different in the photos than they do when we're at school, softer and sweeter. His voice changed too. Instead of it being rough it's caring and strong. 'Why is he different around me? Is he like that with all of his friends? Why does he always call me little girl? I know I'm not the tallest but I'm not 7 years old anymore.
Although I do feel bad for lying to him about Cody. But in my experience getting close to someone about things like that in the early stages of the relationship, may it be romantically or platonically, it scares them away. Knowing there's a possibility that you have to leave at any moment is what stops people from getting close to one another. I wish I can stay here long enough to tell him the truth, and tell him before he finds out himself. With that thought in my mind I finally fall asleep.

6 am, time to get up.
The same old routine, today I'm wearing black skinny jeans, a white shirt that says "have fun, seriously" and over that a dark purple vest. I've decided to keep my hair down today, too much effort. It's finally Friday. When I get downstairs Cody's already up and he even made breakfast.. this is weird.
"Sit down, I made us breakfast"
"Shut up and eat now!"
There's the Cody I know. We eat in silence, it's really weird and awkward. He knows. I believe this is a failed attempt, so he won't do this again. It reminds me of all the awkward silences at the breakfast table after my parents had another fight.

Cody had left for work and I was doing the dishes when I heard a knock on the door. I open the door and none other than the famous Castiel is standing in front of me. He flashes a smile at me, not his normal smile, sweeter. He seems happy to see me. I smile back at him
"Hey! No balcony today?"
"You weren't in your room and I didn't want to be a creep and walk in"
"Why, such a gentleman" he chuckles.
I love the sound of his laughter, it's contagious and gives me a warm feeling all throughout my body.
"So are you ready to get to school?"
"Mentally? No"
"Then why don't we skip?"
"Are you kidding? Cody would kill me!" I laugh at him
"He sounds like he just wants to kill you"
"Who doesn't" I say as I grab my backpack and smile at him
"I know I don't" He smiles and looks at his feet 'is he blushing?'
We walk to school and talk about all kinds of things. The drawing I gave him is still on his arm, he showed me happily.

One of my first classes is with Nathaniel, the teacher told us to pair up and work on an assignment
"So we need to think of a society no one would want to live in.."
"What about the entire population of earth is controlled by aliens who will take away our food and other life sources if we don't do what they tell us to?"
"Isn't that a bit unrealistic?"
"What, you really think that there are no other living creatures out there in the universe?"
"I'll believe it when I see it"
"You know Nathaniel, you can be really stubborn some times" my comment makes him laugh, which makes me laugh.
"Are you eating lunch with us again?" "I'd like to, but I'm pretty sure Castiel doesn't want me there"
"He didn't say anything yesterday though?"
"Are you sure?"
"Positive. Pretty please?"
"Alright.. I'll see if I've got time"
"You have your entire life to look through paperwork and be responsible, you're young! You can afford to take at least half an hour off a day to have fun" I smile at him and he sighs, then smiles
"You're right"

So when lunch time came around we all sat together again. I decide to sit in between Castiel and Nathaniel, Rosa sitting right in front of me with Lysander to her right side, next to Nathaniel and Iris to her left side, next to Castiel. We have a nice little circle on the grass underneath the same tree as yesterday. Luckily today I get more time to talk to Castiel and he seems to think the same.
"Castiel, what's that on your arm?" Iris asks as she points to the drawing. He grins and shows it to the group
"Tyler gave me it, what do you guys think?"
"You should give me one too!!" Rosa exclaimed and we all laughed at her enthusiasm

Castiel and I had our last two classes together. I also had some classes with Iris, Rosa and Lysander. Whenever Castiel and I have a class together, it becomes impossible to actually pay attention. He lifts a pencil and rests it on his lips, then tries to balance it while looking me in the eye. 'Challenge accepted..' I mimic his moves and we wait until the first person dropped their pencil. Castiel looses because he laughed too hard.
"No fair!"
"What? How come?! You lost on your own!"
"Well I started before you did"
"Shut up idiot" we both laugh, but the teacher doesn't seem to care.

After school is finally finished, I go to my locker to get my books. But there's a tall guy standing directly against it. 'He looks familiar..'
"Excuse me but you're in front of my locker" The guy turns around to face me, his friendly green eyes and warm smile immediately causes me to recognize him
"It's Kentin now, actually" I hug him tightly and he gladly returns the hug
"Whatever, Kentin, I've missed you!"
He laughs into my shoulder
"I've missed you too Tyler" We both pull away and face each other
"Where were you? You just vanished.."
"Well what about you?"
"That's not fair! You know exactly what happened. But where did you go?"
"You're right, sorry.. my dad made me go to military school"
"For 10 years?"
"Well it needed some time to work it's magic" he says teasingly
"Who's this?" Castiel was standing behind me, eyeing Kentin suspiciously
"I'm Kentin, Tyler and I go way back. Who are you?"
"..Castiel." He redirects his gaze to me "you ready to go?"
"Yeah! I'll see you later, alright Kentin?"
"Of course!"
Castiel and I walk towards his house, he's quieter than usually
"Are you okay?"
"You seemed to be pretty happy with that army guy"
"Who? Ken? We're just childhood friends. Until one day he moved away. We haven't spoken since, why?"
"Nothing" he won't even look at me, I start to laugh
"Are you jealous?" His cheeks turn pink
"No! You wish.." his reaction only makes me laugh more
"You so are!" I poke his side teasingly and he finally cracks a smile
"Why'd you do that?"
"To make you smile, idiot" he puts an arm around my shoulder and we continue our walk to his home, laughing and teasing.

Don't let them know- my candy love storyWhere stories live. Discover now