chapter 2

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//Stone pov.//
My head was throbbing with pain when I woke up. I looked at the clock on my night stand, 9:26 A.M. ughh this headache is killing me…
There was a glass of water and some asprins on my nightstand as well, I guess my parents left that for me. I took the medicine and drank some water, hoping it would work soon.
I looked down at my hand and saw the number on it “call me when you're sober” was written underneath it.
Memories of yesterday slowly came back into my head. Mike’s party, me drinking WAY too much again, the puking in the bathroom and Eddie… I decided to have some breakfast and then give Eddie a call.
My parents were sitting at the wooden table in the corner of the living room. “mornin' Stone" my mom said. “mornin’” I answered.
I got myself some bread and joined my parents at the table. I ate quickly, I was excited to call Eddie, I don’t really know why though.
I grabbed the phone and walked back up the creaky stairs towards my room and sat down on my bed. I dialed Eddie’s number and waited for him to pick up.
“Hello? Who is this?” I heard, not recognizing the voice on the other end. “uhm this is Stone, is Eddie there?” “uh yeah wait a second lemme get him.” “thank you" I said and waited for Eddie to get to the phone. “Hey man how are you?” I heard Eddie say. “I'm good, quite a headache" I chuckled. “no surprise, you were drunk off your ass" he laughed. “Hey Ed, I was wondering… would you like to come over and hang out today, if you have time ofcourse" I suggested “yeah sure thing, can I come over now or should I come later?” “now is good" “see you in a minute Stone!” “yeah see you man!”
I went to my room and played guitar for a bit until I heard a car pull up in front of my house. I walked to the door and let Eddie in.
“do you want to drink something?” I asked “uhm water is good" I got him a glass of water and introduced Eddie to my mom, my dad was already at work. Eddie finished his water and we went to my room.
“you play guitar?” he asked looking at my les paul. “yeah… pretty much everything I do besides going to party’s and work" I chuckled. “so what’s going on in your life right now?” “well I'm kinda sick of living with my parents so I'm looking for a place to live. And I work at raîsons d'etres” he said.
“that coffee bar? Doesn’t Jeff work there too?” I asked. “yes and yes, we have our shifts together” he laughed. “what work do you do?” he asked. “I'm a guitar tech at the music store here" “that’s a pretty cool job! Way better than giving boring people coffee" he laughed
“thanks by the way, for bringing me home yesterday" I said “did I do something stupid? I don’t quite remember all the little details" I chuckled. “well just before we left you knocked beer all over yourself and you called me hot when I was driving you home" he laughed. “uggh I'm the worst… sorry Eddie" I burried my face in my hands out of shame. He just laughed “no problem Stone, you were drunk"
I ended up teaching Eddie how to play guitar and we were just having a good time together. I really liked Eddie, he was a fun guy. At around 2 P.M. he went home because he still wanted to look for a couple houses.

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