Stone Gossard #1

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//Stone pov.//

My head is fucking going to explode... I sighed, my nerves are racing, I gotta leave in ten minutes to pick y/n up for our date. I sat on the couch, the bag with food and drinks beside me. After ten minutes of nervously looking at the time, I slowly breathed in and out again. I drove to her house, other than my nervous ticking on the stearing weel it was dead silent in my car. I didn't put on a cd because I didn't feel like it. Why the hell am I so nervous!? I mean... sure, I'm gonna pick up the girl that I've been crushing on for years for a date, WHY WOULD YOU BE NERVOUS HUH!? I thought.

I pulled up at her drive way and turned of the engine. I rang her doorbell and heard her run down the stairs, she opened the door directly after.

"hi" she said breathlessly from hurrying

"Hey! You look great!" I complimented blushing. "Thanks Stoney!" she said and we gave eachother a hug. "you ready to get going?" I asked excited. "more than ready, let's go!" she said and ran out of the door to my car. This girl has endless energy... I chuckled.

She really did look good... I stared dreamily at her when she ran to the car, she wore an Alice in chains shirt and a purple-ish flannel, black ripped jeans and doc's. Her wavy hair flowing down her shoulders. And very little make up. She was stunning. Other people like those spoiled bitches would call her ugly because she's "different and weird" but that's exactly what I love so much about her.

"hey dreamer, you comin' or nah!?" she called. I quickly got in my car and started it. She put in my superunknown cd. Chris' voice was blasting through the car speakers. We belted out the lyrics and tried to sing like Chris (which we of course failed at horribly) we were laughing our asses off.

//Your pov.//

All of a sudden the car stopped. "we're here!" Stone said. I guess I didn't really notice where we were going because I was so caught up in our attempt to be Chris. I chuckled at the thought. Stone looked at me with a silly face and we smiled at eachother. He's so damn cute...

"wait... the beach?" I asked noticing where we were. "yeah, you like it?" he said insecure. "Yes Stone! I love the beach!" "the sound of the waves is beautiful" I said. "Not as beautiful as the sound of your voice" Stone flirted. I jokingly pushed him as we laughed at his silly attempt to flirt. We picked a nice spot in the sand and I already went to sit down when he pulled me back up. I looked at him confused. "you really thought I wasn't prepared for this?" he said and pulled out a big sheet to sit on. He had drawn big heart on it. We sat down and he pulled out all the food and putted it on the sheet. "wow Stone, you really went all in" I said. "is that a good thing?" he asked. "yes silly! Ofcourse it's a good thing! I couldn't wish for a better date or a better guy" I said to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"I didn't know you could be so romantic Stoney" I chuckled. "well my dear, there's a lot you don't know about me..." "yet" he said with a mischievous grin plastered on his face. We laughed.

"did you make all these yourself?" I asked pointing to all the little snacks and food. "yeah, I love cooking these kinds of things" he said. It didn't surprise me, Stone always randomly cooked little bites for band practice when he felt inspired. And my god, that stuff was delicious!

"Whoooo the famous Stone food!" I said excited.

We drank and ate all the delicious stuff Stone brought, we talked and enjoyed eachothers presence while we watched the waves crash upon the shore for hours. We sat snuggled up against eachother looking at the sunset. Stone looked at me from beside me, I turned my head to look him in the eye. Our faces inched closer and our cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. Our lips touched and sparks flew between us. It was the best feeling ever.

//Stone's pov.//

Her lips pressed against mine, my arms around her and the sea and sunset in the background. It was the best moment in my life. I swiped my tongue over her bottom lip and she opened her mouth further, letting me enter. Our kiss was passionate and gentle, she was a really good kisser. We broke away and y/n snuggled up to me, her head layed in the crook of my neck and her arms around me. My arm was around her side and we sat there in silence enjoying the evening together. After a while we got back to her house when it was turning completely dark and cold.

"you wanna stay over?" she asked. "uh yeah sure." I said. "Let's watch a movie." She said and took my hand and guided me to her room. We got in her bed and pulled the blanket over us. She turned on her tv and put on a movie, we snuggled up against eachother and chilled.

When the movie ended we were both really tired, she changed into pyjamas and she looked incredibly cute. I just wore my undershirt and boxers, we crawled in bed together and cuddled. She rested her head on my chest and played with my hair, I had my arm around her and looked at her laying in my arms, so peaceful and beautiful. "thanks so much for this amazing evening Stone" she said and pecked me on the lips, making me blush again. I kissed her back as to say I loved the evening just as much. It grew silent again. "y/n?" I asked and she looked up at me signaling to finish my sentence. "will you be my girlfriend?" I asked with a face as red as a tomato. She pressed her lips against mine and we shared a passionate kiss, "does that give you your answer?" she asked grinning. "I think it does" I said smiling at her and pulled her into my arms again. "goodnight Stone"

"goodnight beautiful" I said, we shared a last innocent kiss and then fell asleep in each others arms.

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