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(Howdy! Long time no see. I'm a freshman in high school now and I had to write a professional level case study about breast cancer based on a person my group and I made up... Enjoy)

Case Study: Breast Cancer


The patient, Megan McFly (23 years old, 6'9, 400lbs.), came for a check-up at the University of Miami Hospital after experiencing changes and pain in the left breast and nipple. The physician Bob Dilly, will be examining the patient before the case study. The case study will be for medical records.

Patient History-

Megan told the physician about some pains she had been experiencing focused in her breast on a scale of 1-10 they were a 3. She also brought up that her nipple had become inverted and irritated. Ms. McFly is a cashier at McDonald's in Miami, Florida and other than that, lives a mostly sedentary life. With three children, she smokes three packs of cigarettes a day and drinks a keg of beer a week. She has unprotected sex with 30 individuals.

Some past illnesses she's endured have been Appendicitis, a lump in the breast, depression and high cholesterol. She stated that her grandmother had suffered from breast cancer and passed away from the disease. Her mother also suffered from brain cancer.



The left nipple seemed to be irritated and inverted, unlike the right. There was also some pain in the breast which was a 3 on a scale from 1-10. Our main concern was the lump found in her left breast which appears to be in the fatty tissue. Based on these symptoms, further testing must be conducted.


The first test conducted was a mammogram, in this, we found a solid area of white, which suggests the presence of a tumor. After this, there was a x-ray done, it should come back completely grey (other than bones), but Megan's x-ray looked as if there was a hard lump in her breast. A biopsy was performed next, which is where a doctor takes a needle that is guided by an imaging test to extract a sample of tissue from the concerning area. It then leaves an easily identifiable metal piece incase of future infection.


The biopsy results show that cells from the concerning area were cancerous, we can be sure of this, as it was sent to a lab and tested for mutations. After these tests, it has been determined that this patient has breast cancer.

Disease Process-

Cancer forms when a cell has a mutation in its DNA. The cell begins at interphase as a single cell with a nucleus then, in the next part of interphase the nucleus breaks apart and chromatin is released into the cell. As it goes into prophase chromatin forms into chromosomes, then into prometaphase chromosomes begin to align, using imaginary lines called the kinetochore microtubules. Metaphase starts once all the chromosomes are aligned, as the chromosomes pull apart it moves into Anaphase. As the second cell starts forming it becomes telophase and as the second cell is ready to become it's own, that is cytokinesis which ends with two daughter cells.

Mutations occur while the DNA is being replicated. For breast cancer to occur there must be mutations in the BRCA 1(BReast CAncer 1) and BRCA 2 (BReast CAner 2) genes. The BRCA 1 and 2 genes are vital to the repair of damaged breast and ovarian tissue. The type of mutation in breast cancer is called a frameshift mutation. Causing the cells to mutate into cancer cells.

Treatment Plan-


The initial treatment for Megan McFly was surgery to remove most of the cancer cells. After surgery and the recovery period, Megan got radiation therapy to kill any remaining cancer cells. These were chosen because they are the most effective methods that won't leave a lot of damage to the body.


The surgery took out most of the cancer cells and tumor. Then they went in with radiation therapy to target the area where the tumor was. Then during the radiation therapy, the cells that the surgery missed had damage done to stop them from replicating and eventually die off.


Surgery was successful in removing the tumor and the majority of the cancer cells. After her recovery, radiation therapy killed the remaining cancerous cells. Megan has now been determined to be cancer-free, she will have monthly appointments for a year and then come in when she sees fit. She should expect a full recovery and live a happy life.


This patient (Megan McFly), is currently living with two of her children, Advil and Jaquise, in Miami, Florida. She was put into the University of Miami hospital, under the suspicion of breast cancer, after she was diagnosed, she received surgery and radiation therapy.

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