A night out with the babe

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A few hours after I got home I got a text from my friend Brianna. she said that she was going to a rodeo and had an extra ticket, and she wanted me to go. So right now I'm waiting for Brianna to come get me. I'm wearing a tight long sleeve black shirt, dark jeans and my boots. This girl has the sexiest truck ever it's muscly, jacked up. and it's a dark gray color.

"Where you bgoing?" Austin asked

"Uh I'm going to a rodeo with Brianna" I say back not bothering to look at him. I didn't bother to redo my makeup so my eyes are a little red.

"Alright" he said eyeing me awkwardly "are you gunna ride?"

"Probably not" I say back.

"Uh I know Clayton's in town, I'm not supposed to tell you, but he might be riding."

"Alright thanks" I said finally looking at him " Dustin's gunna ride, I think Jacob is to."

"I might show up if you don't care" he said coming to sit next to me.

"You know what I think I will ride. will you bring my horse? Blake's got a trailer?"

"That's my girl" he chuckles "I thought I lost her!" he hugs my so I'm squished to his chest "Ava or frosty?"

"Ava" I say "Never again will I ride frosty in a rodeo!"

"Alright, we'll I'll see you later Katie"

He says as Brianna pulls up.

"See ya!"

I literally climb into Brianna's truck. once I'm in there I buckle up and look over at her. We stare for a minute. as if on cue we burst out laughing. For some unknown reason we always do this. I'm not sure if we both are a little funny looking it were just funny but it happens.

Once I sober up I say "So I'm gunna ride."

"Oh yay I haven't seen you ride yet! you'll kick ass!"

I laugh and we head down the road, she looks over as if to say something but decides against it.

"What" I sigh

"Rumor has it that Clayton might bee there...."

"I know" I sigh "Austin told me" its defiantly a sore spot talking about me and Clayton but I don't mind.

We get there and find where we wanna sit. I ask her if she's going to ride, when she says she is, we head over to the booth place where you sign up for it. I'm bending down to sign us in when I here

"Oh my hell, well I'd know that face anywhere!!"

I can't help but laugh and turn around and hand the pen to Brianna so she can finish

Laughing I turn around and see, Tall muscly, tan black hair and green eyes.

"Lil bit!" Preston yells and everyone turns and tell it once they see me.

"Preston!!!" I yell back and he comes forward, picks me up and spins me around. I've know this kid for the longest time he's amazing!! we're laughing so hard that I don't even see all my other friends surround us. Nathan, Mathew, Eric, Luke, Chandler, Jake and Clayton.

Once everyone meets Brianna we all start to get our gear instead if just barrel racing I decided I'd replay the good old days and bull ride to! I have yet to say anything to Clayton and I'm not totally sure I want to. but I didn't have to he did it before I could.

"Hey you" he says. he looks the same as he did when I fell in love with him. Tall brown hair that you can hardly see cause he's always wearing his hat, chocolate-carmel big eyes.

"Hey you! long time no see!" I say.

"You wouldn't say" he looks at me intently, like he's figuring out a difficult math problem.

I laugh " No kidding, how have you been?"

"Good! I just got my ranch all finished, so that's working out"

"That's great! I've al-" I look down at my phone "hold on" I say

"Yes Austin?" I answer as he laughs

"We're here come get your damn horse!" He say "and bring your friends I want them to meet Blake"

"Alright" I hang up with out saying good bye.

"Shit" I say

"What?" Clayton asked chuckling.

"I forgot I was doing barrels first and I put on all my gear!"

I take it all of them me Brianna and the guys head over to where my brothers parked. as were running I hop onto Preston's back with out him stopping. It's kinda our thing, he gives me piggy back rides when I don't wanna walk. When we get there I hop of Preston's back and start brushing my horse then put my saddle on her. Preston comes over and hops on his horse so we walk them around and talk about a little bit of everything.

"Hahahaha!" I laugh "do you remember when you got so drunk you tried to ghost ride, then drowned your car in a swimming pool!?" I laugh "or that one time you got wasted and you ran naked down my street yelling?"

"You know what!" he said trying to stop laughing "I am a grown ass man! I can do whatever the hell I want!!"

This only made me laugh harder! we went back to my trailer waited a few till they called my name as I started to ride to the barrels I herd all the people I've ever loved in the world, call my name cheering for me.

A few hours later I got all my gear on and was waiting for my name, once again to be called to be called. after I was done with barrels I placed 2nd place and I got a big belt buckle! Clayton Told me congrats and he was glad to see me ride again.

"This is awkward right?" I asked him as we were sitting on the fence watching Preston ride, he made a perfect 8 seconds!

"Very, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that" he said. he grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug as they called my name.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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