Chapter One

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Hi I'm Belle and I'm going to take you on the most exciting trip of your life by telling you something that will shock you. But to tell you that story I have to tell you mine beware of one thing the mirror you will find out why later. You see I was a normal girl I got ok grades in school I had friends and I went out. My family was normal one dog one brother one sister and my mom. If only I knew how un normal my family was it started one day I had just come back from the mall and I called out " Mom are you home?" When no one yelled back I looked for her then I heard the basement door open and she yelled out " Oh honey I didn't hear you come back how was the movie?" I looked at her and looked completely confused thinking ' I just checked the basement she wasn't there was she?'. I just smiled and nodded my head " Yeah it was awesome really fun". She nodded and then started walking to the kitchen I followed hoping she made my favorite dinner. She did chicken with corn and potatoes it was really good and it was my comfort food. "Hey mom I looked in the basement and you weren't there did you hide to scare me or something?" She had looked pale as I mentioned the basement I brushed it off as a trick of the light or maybe she was getting sick. " No hon I was listening to my music and I just didn't hear you and I wanted to ask if you can get your laundry for me I can wash it for you". I smiled and laughed " Mom I am seventeen I have to know how to do my own laundry some day I mean I have barely ever been in the basement". I just lean on the counter and look at her. She looked at me and sigh "Ok I'll show you after diner ok hon? Now can you let the dog in he should be ready I let him out an hour ago." I looked at her "ok mom I will" I walked to the back door and called for our dog Sebastian" Seb come here boy" Sebastian came running to me in a blur of brown and black and jumped up on my shoulders and licked my face being a German Shepard made him taller. I turn to my mom and see her smiling she was very pretty Long brownish red hair green eyes button nose and a amazing smile. She says I get my looks from my dad dirty blonde hair and gray eyes and a lean build. My dad left my mom when I was five he just left the papers for the divorce were there a few weeks later. I didn't know what was happening for years my mom told me he died in a plane crash. Then one day she told me he had left her I was sad and tried to find him but I couldn't find hide or hair of him. Maybe I'll find him one day just maybe.

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