Chapter Two

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After dinner I took a shower and got on my pajamas. My phone buzzed and I knew it was Mitch my best friend who always makes me laugh. Sebastian pawed at the door waiting to come in "I'm coming pup I'm coming " I said as I opened the door and let him get on my bed. He got comfy as I laid down on the bed and smiled as he cuddles up to me. I entered my password for my phone and texts Mitch back smiling as I did. Mitch always knew how to make me smile even when I didn't want to I have always had a crush on him and i know he would never like me his girlfriend was way prettier than I was. I was her friend too but only because of him " I wish he was mine seb I really wish he was mine" I said to my dog and pet his head. He licked my hand and woofed softly I heard my mom call me downstairs so I got up and walked downstairs. I got to the kitchen but I saw a note on the fridge saying she went out with a couple friends. "Huh I could have sworn she called me down here " I heard her call me again and I felt a chill coming down my spine. It has come from the mirror in the living room. " That can't be right she said she was going out" I looked at the mirror and tapped on the glass and jumped back it was freezing cold but it's warm inside the house. " what is happening here" I looked around and saw that Frost was coming from the mirror " Nope I am not going to be the typical blonde white girl in movies that gets killed in the first ten minutes" I turned the mirror around and got a knife from the block in the kitchen and headed upstairs and locked the door after I knew I was safe. Sebastian looked at me and barked softly " Yeah buddy we are not going down there at all tonight unless it's an emergency". I sat on the bed and looked outside and smiled " It's a full moon tonight and it looks so pretty". I just smile and look out the window slowly closing my eyes  and falling back on the bed my head in the edge.  I didn't know but the frost had followed me up the steps slowly and creeps in my room. Sebastian glaring at it and growling softly as his collar glows a soft green. If only I had known it but I would have a hectic next week.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2019 ⏰

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