70 bucks outa my pocket

208 7 1

Laurence's POV

I walked out of Travis room. I went into my room and looked around for my phone. It was on my bed. I grabbed it and text Travis.

Laurence: you got that 70 ready yet?

Travis: nah, I got your wallet down here. I might as well get the 70 now~~


Travis: nah. This'll make you go faster. Now STOP TEXTING ME AND MAKE OUT WITH GARROTH ALREADY!

"TRAVIS!" I shouted.

"LAURENCE!!" I heard Travis tell back.


I walked to Garroth's room. And without knocking I walked in.


"Umm yeah."

"Why are you here?!"

"I live here to ya know." I put my hands on my hips and gave Garroth a goofy smile. He gave a little chuckle.

"Heh. Righhttt"

I sat down on the end of Garroth bed that he was also sitting on.

"I need to tell you something Garroth..."


"You answer will decide whether I give Travis 70 bucks."

"A bet eh?" He have a little smirk.

"Y-Yeah. I already know I'm going to win though......at what cost?" I whispered the last part.

"At what cost? What do you mean?"

"Y-you heard t-that?!"

"Y-Yeah heh"

"Garroth. I-I......ILIKEYOU!"

"I like you to Laur"

"I don't mean it like that. I mean I like like you."

"I know what you mean."


"You lost the bet Laurence."



"OH HELL YEAH! SUCKED IN LAURENCE. NOW I GET YOUR 70!" Travis ran from his room to Garroth's.

"Sh-SHUT UP!" My face went flustered.

"Ohhhhhh! You two should totally make out!"

"TRAVIS!" Garroth and I yelled at him at the same time.

"Geez ok ok."

"Gat outa here Travis." Garroth gave him a playful look.

"Hehehehehehhedg" Travis ran off.

"Surprise~~" Garroth looked back at me

"Hu-" I was cut of by Garroth's lips connecting with mine.

Garroth x Laurence Where stories live. Discover now