Chapter 24

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The two women stared at each other for almost ten minutes before Jessalyn pulled up a chair and sat. Charlotte moved closer to the window. "You're that reporter."

"Yes, Jessalyn O'Hara, Las Vegas Gazette."

"The coordinator told me about you, I thought you were dead, you were supposed to die." Pulling over one of the chairs she sat facing the reporter with a rather odd look on her face. "You look quite lively and I don't understand, you don't seem to be all that formable. Weak, small insignificant, Beau Smith is an idiot."

"I'd like to ask you a few questions." She was going to come at this as a story, not personally; although that was what this was. She needed to know, to face the woman who tormented her man. The reasons behind it all.

The meeting, the conclave didn't really come up with anything that was satisfying. Drugs and manipulation could only explain some of this. There was something else and Jessalyn was going to dig it out of that crazy lady's brain. If for nothing except her own peace of mind.

"Really, that's....interesting. Sure, why not." This was going to be fun. "What do you want to know?"

Jessalyn took a cleansing breath, centering herself. "Why the Black brothers? You set out with intent to imprison one and destroy the other. I would like to know the process, the reasons behind it. There must have been some catalyst to do that to another human being."

"They don't deserve anything they have, short answer."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Cameron Black is a pariah of the worst sort. We were friends once you know." She went on to detail the events in the Ukraine some thirty years prior and Sebastian not allowing the friendship.

"You understand it wasn't the boy's fault correct? And, it wasn't even the right boy." Charlotte looked right through her.

"He should have known. Besides we knew Sebastian Black for years, my family worked with him, we had it really good – until Cameron."

"Again, who you met all those years ago was Jonathan not Cameron. So why go after them thirty years later, water under the bridge and all that." That met with silence, it looked like she was trying to puzzle things out.

"I...I didn't know that when Beau suggested a way to get Cameron's attention."

"So then why continue? You framed an innocent man Charlotte, who it turns out was and is your brother. They both are." The woman started to get agitated.

"I didn't know that. It wasn't my fault. Besides they still owe me."

"For what?"

Jessalyn believed she was getting close to the reason, she just had to push a little more.


"Why did you go after your brothers, even though at the time you didn't know they were your family? They never did anything to you. Why would you make it your mission to imprison and destroy them? Why Charlotte. Why the vendetta? You pushed Jonathan to the brink of insanity. You played a dangerous game. Why?"

"Because Sebastian. I was the important one until Cameron. Sebastian took advantage of me!" The woman was sweating, her eyes full of pain. There was more to it.

"That doesn't explain anything Charlotte. Why take it out on the twins?"

"After Cameron he raped me. Instead of loving me, he hurt me. He didn't care about me! Only that brat of his! And, that kid said he was my friend. He didn't even acknowledge me after Sebastian forbid him to see me. For years he forced himself on me, even when my mother was in the house! And, it was bad, he did things no one should have to experience." That was the last thing she had expected to hear. "I knew about that damned book, he said things you know. Why shouldn't I get all the treasures and cash he stole, I deserve it! I paid for it over and over again!" She was screaming at the top of her lungs by this point. Jessalyn, shaky, was unsure of where to go, or just to stop and leave it. The door opened behind her.

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