Part 8

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Recap : Narayani Ajay and Aditya discussing about Gauri and Om's marriage.

Ad : Mom where is Gauri ?

N : She is in her room.

Ad : can i talk with her now about marriage ?

A : No..not now..first i want to discuss it with Tej.

N : yes..that is good.

Ad : okay.

Next day.

Om was getting ready . Rudy came to there.

R : where are you going Om ?

O : office.

R : Hmm. Today Dad is also coming with you.

O : Dad ? for what ?

R : Don't know ,Ajay Uncle called him to his office.

O : OK.I am going.

Om left from his room.

O (thinking) : why Ajay Uncle called Dad to the office ?

T : Om i am also coming with you.

O : okay Dad.what is the matter ?

T : don't know Ajay told that he want to meet i said i will come to the office to meet him.

O : Okay .

Om and Tej reached at the office.

Om went to his cabin. he saw that Gauri is sitting on her chair. She is busy in her work.

O : Good morning Gauri ..

G (without looking towards him ) : Morning Mr.Oberoi.

O : How is ur head ache ?

G : Now i am okay.

O(himself) : angry bird.

G : what ?

O : nothing..

Om sat on his chair.

Tej went to Ajay's cabin. Ajay welcomed him.

T : what is the matter Ajay ?

A : Actually i called you for discussing a wedding proposal.

T : wedding proposal ! for whom ?

A : for our Omkara.

T : for Omkara ? who is the girl?

Ajay looked at tej.

T : tell me Ajay who is the girl? if it is a good proposal then we can proceed.

A : Gauri Singhania.

T : what ?

A : Yes..i am talking about my daughter. I like Omkara.he is very good and caring person.he is perfect for my daughter.And i am sure that he will take care of my daughter.

Tej was silent. Ajay looked at Tej.

A : Tej..why are you silent? tell me ur opinion.

T : I have no problem.she is a good girl.But i am thinking about Om.

A : i am sure he likes Gauri.And he will agree with this.

T : Okay..i want to talk with him..And i am happy with this proposal

Ajay became very happy and he hugged tej.

A : thank you tej.

T : okay then i am leaving ..I will talk with Om in evening and i will inform you

A : okay Tej.Only after that i will talk about this to Gauri.

T : yes.that is good.

Tej left from there.

After sometime Om came to Ajay's cabin.

A : good morning Om.

O : Good Morning uncle.whereis dad ?

A : he went to OM.

O : how was ur meeting ?

A : it was good.

O : what was the reason behind the meeting.

A : he will tell everything to you Om.

O : Oh Okay Uncle..

Ajay smiled.Om left from there.

Om came to his cabin.'

O (thinking ) : what will be the reason behind their meeting ? are they going to shift me to Oberoi Industries....No i will not allow that.i want to work here.want to work with gauri.I don't want to leave her.

suddenly he heard a broken sound and got his real sense back.he saw broken pieces of glass in the floor.and gauri is standing angry.she is staring towards him.Om shocked by seeing her look.He stood up from his seat and looked at her.

O : what happened gauri ?

G : do you have any problem for hearing ?

O : No..

G : are you mocking me ? how many times i called you ? are you dreaming ?

O : sorry gauri. i was thinking about some important things.

G : Okay

O : tell me why you called me?

without saying anything she left from there.

O : actually what is her problem?

Tej reached at the OM.Everyone is present there except Om.

S : what happened Bade papa ? why are you called everyone here ?

T : i want to talk an important thing..

R : which important thing ?

T : about Om's marriage.

A : Om's marriage !!

T : proposal for him.i like the proposal.

B : who is that girl dad ?

T : Gauri Singhania.

R : what ??? that angry bird !!!!

T : angry bird ??

R : nothing ..

S : she is a good girl..I like her..

D : me too like her.

Anivya : she is good..

J : she is good.but what is Om's opinion?

R : don't worry Mom..he will agree

T : How do you know that ?

R : he is my brother so i know him very well well.I am sure he will agree..

T : shivru..this is your with him about this proposal and inform me what is his opinion.

Shivru : okay.

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This chapter is dedicating to my dear user112389..Welcome back dear..Missed you very much..

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