Part 14

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Hi Dear Friends,

I am back..I was not interested to continue this story...some of my readers requested to continue this story...I know that I have lost many of my readers..Anyway I am again starting my story.

Here is the small summary of the past updates.

Omkara singh oberoi and Gauri Singhania are business partners.Om is a caring and loving person but Gauri is rude and arrogant.Gauri is always busy in her business.Om loves Gauri.But Gauri doesn't believe in love.Their family fixed their marriage because Singhanias need their old Gauri back.First Gauri refused to marry Om.But later she said yes because  of her family and business.She know that this marriage is good for her business.Om is trying to impress her and spend time with her.But she didn't allowed him for anything.Om called her for a drive but she rejected.Om went back to OM.Gauri's father Ajay told her that don't ignore him she is going to marry him.So she agreed to go for a drive with Om.She called Om and said  that she is ready to come with him.Om became very happy and told her that he will pick her from office.

Ajay went to singhania mansion. Om reached the office. He saw that Gauri is waiting there for him.

O : Gauri let's go ?

G : okay.

Gauri and Om are in car. Gauri was silent.

O : why are u silent Gauri. Say something 

G : where are we going ?

O : where u want to go ?

G : I don't know 

O : are u okay ?

G  : yes I am okay Om

O : I feel like that u are not interested to marry me

G : Nothing like that..I am really interested.

Om stopped the car .

G : why u stopped here ?

O  : I want to talk with u privately. Come

Om and Gauri came out from the car.

Gauri looked at Om.He was silent.

G : Om.U told that u want to talk 

O : yes Gauri.  want to talk. 

G : I love u gauri

Gauri didn't expect this from Om

Om hold her hand.

O : I really love u Gauri. I know u said yes to this proposal only because of ur family and business.But I am serious about this marriage.I need u as my a best friend..You are very rude infront of everyone but i know that is not ur real character.U are something hiding from everyone. I know the real Gowri is sweet and loving..I need that Gauri.

G : No Om.Nothing like that.I ma not hiding anything from anyone.

Gauri's eyes filled with tears. She started crying. Om wiped her tears

O : Don't cry Gauri..I don't want to see your tears.Not only me your family also don't want to see your tears.

Gauri hugged Om. Om get shocked. 

He felt very happy and he reciprocated.Suddenly she got her real sense back.She released her hands.Om looked at her eyes

G : I should go home.

O : But Gauri?

G : I have to go

O : Okay i will drop u

She was silent in car.Om didn't ask anything to her because he knew that she is not in a good mood.

They reached at Singhania Mansion. Gauri went to her room without saying anything to Om.It made him little sad.He saw that Ajay(Gauri's father ) and Narayani (Gauri's mother) watching them.Om smiled towards him.

A : what happened to Gauri ?

O : she is not in a good mood

A : did she behave rude to u ?

O : No never. She is very lovely girl.

A  : come. You can have ur dinner from her.

O : sorry Uncle..I have to go

A : Okay

Om left from there.

N : He is really a nice boy

A : Yes..she is perfect for our Gauri.

Gauri was alone in her room.She was thinking about Om

G ( thinking) : Om is really a good man.He loves me so much.

A : what are u thinking Gauri ? about Om ?

G : yes

A : what ? really ?

Gauri realized what she has said

G : No..I am not thinking about him. I was thinking about our business

A : Don't ie..I know u r thinking about Om

G : No dad ..I am not.

A : okay..come and have dinner

G : No. i Am not hungry. I have to sleep now

A : okay Good Night

G : Good Night

G (thinking) : No..I am not in love with him...I don't want to love anyone..I won't do that again...I hate love.

Hope u like this update

I am waiting for ur valuable comments..

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