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The deep, downcast, navy blanket covering the skies were the only thing reminding her that she was still tacked down to this Earth, along with the flickering stars (did you know the bluer stars are the hottest?) that littered and juxtaposed against the dark and gloomy airspace.

Concrete was mindlessly stretched out in front of her - not in the straightest of lines, lazily laid out in her opinion - and scraped beneath the rough, leathery souls of her combat boots as she tiredly dragged her body across the pathway. Dewy grass ran out from either side of the seemingly never-ending pathway and for a moment, she considered pausing and lying down in the soggy pasture, but the sight of an old, oak park bench just a few yards ahead seemed to be more appealing.

As she made her way to the bench, she pulled her leather jacket a little closer to her shivering body and laid her backpack down, using it as a makeshift pillow for the night.

Noelle guessed it was a little past midnight, although she had no way of telling; leaving her precious mobile behind wasn't her first choice, but her smartest. That way, she was hidden from people plaguing for her safe return. She could roam wherever she desired, without having the worry that her narrow-minded, bigoted parents would ever take her back again.

Thinking about the past was a waste of time, she thought, so she did no such thing. She only gazed up at the blinking stars that scattered the sky, surrounding a beautiful, bright moon until her eyelids had gotten the better of her, sending her into a state of being soundly asleep.

For now, Noelle had nowhere to call her home. But what the future had in store for her was something that kept her going; trekking miles and miles each day, just searching for something that she believed would change her life completely.

How long would it take for that something to come around to her, though? This badgering thought sat at the back of her mind, sparking a small amount of fear in her - was this the right decision to make?

(authors note: so i didn't edit this chapter too much as the narrative isn't kicking off yet, but the other chapters will have a somewhat large change to them so get ready!! :-) thank you for your patience everyone x)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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