Rescue Mission

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(Tom's POV) Bet you didn't see this coming!

I was currently sitting on the couch wondering where y/n was. She hasn't responded to my text messages or my phone calls.

The last time I saw her was after our last date night, we went to a nice restaurant for dinner and then to the amusement park. I was also holding a small box in my hand, looking at it with sadness.

Today was the day I was going to ask y/n if she would marry me, after all we have been together for four years now and I was deeply in love with her. We both deeply cared for one another and always looked out for each other too.

I was pulled out of my sad and worried thoughts by someone putting their hand on my shoulder. It was Edd.

Ever since y/n disappeared everyone become upset. We called police after finding out that y/n didn't come back home last night, but they weren't much help at all.

"Don't worry Tom, we'll find y/n! I'm sure we will!", Edd told me to help cheer me up. "Thanks, but I don't think that's gonna make things better.", I said in a depressed voice.

'Who would have taken y/n? It doesn't make any sense!', I thought. Just then, Matt came crashing into the living room, looking like he ran a marathon.

"Guys, guys! You have to look at what I found!", Matt said in an out of breath, but high voice. "Whoa, slow down, Matt! Calm down and tell us what you found.", Edd said.

After a Matt took a few deep and calming breaths, he showed us a poster in his hands.

"Ok, so I was walking down this street, minding my own business. When I saw something that caught my eye! It was a poster that was hanging on a brick wall. So, I went to look at it and when I saw what was on it...well..." Matt then handed me and Edd the poster and when we saw it, my holed eyes grew wide with shock and then my face turned to anger.

On the poster was Tord or, as he apparently calls himself now, Red Leader. The person who he was holding close to him was y/n.

They both were dressed in wedding attire and the poster was announcing their upcoming wedding, which was in three days. "!", Edd suddenly said shocked at what he's seeing right now.

"I know! What are we going to do now?", Matt said. "We're going to get y/n back, that's what we're going to do!", I said in an enraged voice, as I crumbled up the poster with my bare hands.

How dare that commie kidnap my girlfriend! Oh...he is soo going to pay!

"But how? Tord's base is heavily guarded and he has a massive army at his disposal! Getting in and out won't be so easy.", Edd said worriedly.

"Don't worry! We'll get inside the base! All we need is a plan...", I said to him. Soon we all got together and formulate a full proof plan to break in and get our best friend back.

Hang in there y/n! I'm coming...

"All For War And Love" Yandere Red Leader (Tord) x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now