Fighting for you

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Klaire's POV:

I saw John standing there with Nick (Dolph Ziggler) as his opponent and Nikki right next to him.

Not only was I confused because there wasn't supposed to be a segment between us but so was John.

"Well if it isn't the little slut of the WWE" Nikki said through the microphone

I stood there with crossed arms and a smirk on my face. I saw John get a microphone and say, "Nicole, I respect you as a human being. Whatever happened with us in the past don't bring Klaire into it. Oh and just so you know, she's the least one to be the slut of the company. Maybe you should look at another direction," John made me laugh with his remark as well as the crowd.

I asked for a mic and headed toward the ring.

I slid in from the bottom rope.

"Well first I want to say, thanks Randy for showing me how to get in the stage like a snake. Second, Nikki well maybe you can say this and that about me. But you know, you should see yourself in the mirror VERY clearly before calling me a slut. I've heard nothing but trash coming out your mouth since the day I came into the business. You would always talk to me about being humble. Since those were your ex boyfriends words," I pointed to John.

"But in fact you were the one who wasn't being humble. Always saying oh I'm prettier than you. Or oh I'm better in the ring than you. Honestly I'm surprised you didn't say oh I'm better in bed than you ," I smirked to John before I could continue.

"Which we all know that's lies. But before I continue let me say here in front of thousands in here and millions watching at home. I can definitely put up a fight right here right now. And if you're not down with that. Then just like DX said it, SUCK IT," I started laughing and then Nikki said, "How about we have a tag team match John?" She said walking towards John and caressing his muscles.

"Okay," he said with a smile and continued saying, "Klaire do you want to be my tag team partner? Nicky, no not you Nicole, I meant ziggler there. Do you mind being her tag team partner,"

I smiled and as soon as the bell rang, I had her in a head lock.

Next I turned and elbowed her on the back and kicked her behind the knee continuing constantly until she fell to the ground. I went to grab her by the hair but she hit me with punches and drop kicked me on the stomach. She went and tagged Dolph Ziggler and he just stood there laughing. Finally when I got up, I looked at him up and down and got closer to him. Then I slapped him in the face and went to tag John in.

John was getting several good hits on Dolph. Finally when Dolph was on the floor, John went for the AA but Nikki got in making John stop.

She began flirting with John but John kept pushing her away while the ref kept yelling at Nikki to go back to her corner. I could clearly see John had temptation in his eyes however. Anger rose inside of me and I went in and hit Nikki and just like John, I went for the AA on Nikki. John smiled at me and I signaled him to turn around because Dolph was about to try his finisher. John went in and hit him before he could. Then he did the AA on him, pinning him right after.

1...2...3... DING DING DING!

I saw John taking off his sweat bands and throwing them to the fans and I couldn't help but smile. Not only because I kicked Nikki's ass, because she had put me through so much crap but because I was living the dream with John. I didn't know where we stood, or if we were still friends but I still couldn't help but feel happiness when I was with him.

I got out of my train of thought and realized John was staring at me with a smile. He stepped closer to me and I noticed he held a mic in his hands. He held it up to his mouth and said, " I have something to say," he grinned.


Hey! Well that's it for this episode! Hoped you enjoyed it!



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