One day

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I'll miss you

I'll see you in the future

I'll see you one day

You're my one true love

John's POV:

I walked into the room Klaire was in. The doctor had said she was in a comma due to the accident. The baby was gone. It was all my fault for letting Klaire go running out. It was all my fault for putting negativity towards her.

I saw Klaire battling for her life, attached to all those wires. I grabbed a chair and sat next to her. Tears rushed out of my eyes seeing her this way. I wish I was in her spot, that I could take back everything I said.

Holding her hand tight I said, "Honey, I'm sorry I wasn't the best boyfriend or even fiancé. Don't leave me, don't go. I miss you. I hate myself for letting our baby go. If I would've just kept you there next to me, our baby wouldn't have passed away. Sorry for hurting you. I don't deserve you beautiful. Please wake up soon," tears poured harder.
That day I spent thinking and
waiting for a sign that she was listening. Before I knew it, it became late and I fell asleep holding onto her hand.

The next morning, she still was in the coma. That night I had endless nightmares and dreams. I dreamed about a little baby crying and we ran to go to the room where the crying was coming from. Klaire picked up the baby and he/she said, "daddy!" Of course I was excited in the dream since that was their first word.

I also dreamt about Klaire crying. She wouldn't stop crying, you could tell she was hurt. I dreamt of us getting married and many other things.

The doctor walked in and closed the door. He walked over to me and handed me her phone and wallet.

"We found these things sir," he said. I grabbed them from him and thanked him.

He left and I was left with Klaire once again. Just when I was about to leave, I went into my pockets to search for my phone. I found something else however. The ring.... How did it get here? I thought I left it on the floor since the day of the accident. I nodded my head.
I wrote her a long, heartfelt note with paper that was on the nightstand.

Telling her how I felt and that I'd see her one day. Of course I would wait for her to wake up before I'd leave. I just want the best for her and I know me hurting her, won't help. I slipped the ring onto her ring finger and kissed her on the lips.

"Wake up please babe," a single tear dropped off my cheek and onto her. I felt her hand move and then heard her say, "I love you John."

I ran to the doctor and told him what happened. He ran back with three nurses and they discovered her fluttering her eyes open.

I saw through the window that she was waking up. She talked to the doctor and the doctor said something back. Then he left and headed my way.

"Sir, she'll be okay but aren't you going to see her?" I shook my head.

"I want her to be happy, so I decided this would be the best decision for her. I love her, I fell in love with her. Please doc, when she leaves make sure she goes to my house. Give her these keys when she leaves and tell her one day we'll meet again since we were fated to be in love. Please make sure she reads my note and tell her it's an emergency,"
the doctor nodded his hand and shook my hand as well. He went back inside and I saw him talking to her.

He gave her the note and she read it. All of a sudden I saw tears pour out.
I could hear her pleading to see me one last time.
Don't cry, we were fated to love each other.

This won't be the last time.
Hey guys so this is the last chapter for this book! I loved making this book and just to let y'all know I'm planning a sequel. So if you guys would want it, please tell me.
Btw that's the ring John bought for Klaire.
Remember I love y'all!

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