Chapter 22

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~Y/n's POV~

I was laying in an extremely soft bed that I recognized as mine and Ink's. I opened my eyes in an instant and shot up as fast as a bullet, sweat was racing down my face.


I cried out as I clutched my side, I still had the wounds. But how? I've never kept the scars in other timeline jumps.

There was shouting and yelling, and I was tackled to the bed in a bone-crushing hug.

Even more pain.

I sobbed, my eyes blurry and watery with tears. I couldn't see the person holding onto me, but guessing on the coloring, it was Ink.

"Where- been-" Was all I could understand from him, my ears were ringing and one was clogged with blood.

I felt an unpleasant feeling rise up in my stomach and to my throat. I pushed Ink out of the way and vomited blood all across the ground.

I coughed madly, still spraying blood all over the place. There were more shouts, all of them unidentifiable. I knew there were other people in the room though.

My throat was stinging, but my sight had gotten sharper. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up at them, it was Ink and he was shouting at somebody in the corner.

"Get- food- Blue-" He yelled, making my ears ring even more. I closed my eyes and took in deep heavy breaths. Hot tears leaked from my eyes and down to my chin before falling onto the blankets.

I heard pounding footsteps that indicated Blue did as he was told, Ink rubbed small circles into my back. He was extremely gentle and careful not to touch any of my wounds, which I was extremely grateful for.

I felt the ringing in my ears die away, but my other ear was still clogged. I suspected that the blood had dried in it.

"Don't worry, we'll get you healed up in no time." Ink reassured me, I looked up at him and he beamed with a smile that temporarily wiped away all of my worries. I feebly smiled back but winced as that caused a sharp pain in a slash across my cheek.

Ink's brow furrowed in concern, I didn't bother asking how. I saw another figure approach and I looked up at them, it was Error, and he looked furious.

"Who did this to you?!" He shouted, making my ear ring a small bit more. When I stammered and stuttered he grabbed onto my shoulders.

"Answer me!" He ordered, shaking me a small bit. I cried out again, he had touched where Dust had bitten me. He instantly jumped away, just in time too. Ink had leaped at the area he just was, clearly aiming to push him to the ground.

"I'm sorry... I just..." He looked deeply ashamed of himself, and looked to the ground in shame.

"It's fine... I understand." I said, coughing a little more. No blood escaped me this time though.

Blue had ran into the room full speed, with a tray of several currently unrecognizable foods. He was looking extremely anxious and frightened, something I've never seen from him. It was odd.

He gently placed the tray onto my lap and sat on the bed, blue tears were welling up in his eyesockets.

I lifted a shaky hand to the first thing I saw, a dinner roll. I took a small bite and fought the urge to throw up again when I swallowed, not to mention the pain of opening my jaw.

Ink took the piece of roll from my hand and ushered me to lay back onto the pillows he had rested against the backboard.

"I can feed myself..." I muttered, but didn't protest when he pressed the roll to my mouth for me to eat.

~I bleed red~ | An Ink x Reader Where stories live. Discover now