It's Him..

330 17 5

Its him.. Its him! How is he here?!


No... nononononono.. No!

Please.. Bakugou, you cant make me stay here!

These thoughts swirled around in Todorokis head as he felt fear hit him instantly, enveloping his body and mind. His heart clenched in fear as he looked at Midoriya from across the room. His whole body was tense and his eyes wide with panic as he tried to control his pheromones, only just managing to stop the scent of fear from leaving him.

Bakugou hadn't noticed Shoutos chance behind him nor smelt any change in Todorokis scent so he walked around the table with a frown. "What do you want Deku? Youre answer isn't what I want to hear. You are hiding something from me." He stated, growling slightly as he bristled at the alpha making his way around the table and towards where his omega was.

As Deku made small, calculated steps towards Todoroki, his scent started to get stronger and his face remained in the same smile. The haunting smile. 

Todoroki took quick steps towards Bakugou, forming an excuse in his head to leave and slowly opening his mouth only for a hand attaching itself to his wrist which stopped the words from escaping. 

"It really is Kacchan!" He said before he smiled at Todoroki with an even bigger smile which looked menacing and obsessive to Todoroki. "Todoroki, right?" He asked, not waiting for a reply before he continued. "How are you? And hows your brother Touya?" He asked, bombarding Todoroki with questions which made him freeze in slight panic and fear.

His distressed scent stared to leak out and surround the three in the room which earned a growl from the blonde on the other side of the room. 

"I-im good.." His voice cracked and broke. "A-And Touya isn't home.. He left... H-How do you even know about him..?" Fear was bubbling up in Todoroki, starting to overflow and take over as he stared into the dark green eyes that had him trapped in an infinite abyss. 

He was broken out of his fear induced daze when another growl made its way out of Bakugous throat from behind him. An arm weaved itself around his waist, pulling the omega back against a bare chest. 

Blood red eyes glared into emerald green, sending a silent message of keeping away from his omega. Bakugou was sceptical of Deku visiting him out of no where already and with those questions and actions, he was now suspicious of the alpha.

"Why are you here and why did you feel the need to touch MY omega?" He asked, snarling at the other who stepped away and help his hands up in a mock surrender position. 

"Im sorry Kacchan.. He just looked so scared for no reason, I wanted to show him I wouldn't hurt him or scare him." He stated, a small smile on his face. 

Todoroki stared at Deku, the heat from Dekus touch burning his skin as he stared at the other in fear. His scent of fear had dulled down considerable because he felt safe in Bakugous hold but not as safe as he would in a room away from Deku with Bakugou. He turned his head up to look at Bakugou, opening his mouth slightly to speak only to get stopped before he stared.

"I don't care, we are leaving and you are to stay away from Todoroki." He stated, tugging Todoroki out of the room quickly. Todoroki barely got to glimpse back. When he glanced back, he had tensed up.

The grin on Midoriyas face was the most horrifying thing he had seen. It was dark and his eyes glowed with insanity. 'You will be MINE'

Those four words mouthed to him sent shivers down his spine instantly as he quickly turned away from the other. He held weakly onto Bakugous arm which was still wrapped around Todorokis waist. It was his only lifeline to this reality right now, otherwise he would be trapped in his own mind from the fear that was starting to bubble inside of him again. 

Bakugou had ordered a servant to escort Midoriya out of the castle as he headed to the bathroom with Todoroki in an attempt to calm them. "Get us some clothes please, Denki." He asked a passing person. 

They were walking in their own clothes, looking like a civilian. Why would they be in the castle? They weren't a servant and you should have permission to wander, Midoriya clearly had to have permission.

"Sure!! Where should I bring them to?" He questioned with a smile that was clearly genuine. It made Todoroki feel batter, being around the happy ball of electricity unlike before where he was around his nightmare.

"To the bathroom. Bring two sets of my clothes and two towels as well. Fluffy ones. Thanks." He stated before he waved at the other, known as Denki, and walked into the bathroom with Todoroki. 

"Princess, undress and get in. It'll calm you down after the meeting with that prick called Deku." He stated, letting go of Todoroki before he started to undress himself. 

The dual haired male started to undress slowly, climbing into the bath when he was finished. He was joined by Bakugou not long after, the blonde sitting beside Todoroki in the tub and letting out a sigh of relief.

The hot water allowed all the muscles Todoroki had tensed up earlier to relax. It felt like heaven to the omega, almost anyway. He sunk down into the water, leaning against Bakugou slightly as he shut his hetrochromic eyes, letting a small smile form on his lips. 

He was being pampered and looked after well, it already felt like home even with his little time here. He love it and his new family. Maybe not romantic love for Bakugou yet but he was sure he could develop them for the protective blonde.

A knock at the door broke the silence before the door opened and footsteps made their way close to the tub. There was a shuffle of fabrics as what Todoroki assumed was fabrics being placed on the ground. "Here Bakugou!!" a voice cheerfully said. "Kirishima and the rest of our squad are waiting for you in your room so we can all head out for a race on the horses!!" 

Bakugou rolled his eyes and smirked, a chuckle rumbling though his chest. "Sure, You will be waiting a while but ill come and im sure princess will two. Now leave.." He said, turning to glance at the beaming blonde before he left. Bakugou turned his gaze down to his omega, looking at the other who had fallen asleep. A hand moved to gently brush back Todorokis bangs, the crimson eyes scanning the others face with a soft expression.

"Night Princess.."


Word count: 1120

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