Pink Skies 19

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"Rania?," Sam called out into the darkness. The wind blew slightly as a crescent moon hung above his head, soft snow was beneath his bare feet as pink roses laid before him. His wrist lit up a bright pink with golden specks intertwined.

"What the hell?," Sam hissed as a searing pain   traveled through his body from his wrist. A soft giggle reached his ears as he looked down the rosy path he saw her. Rania was naked, her long pink curls trailed behind her as her eyes glowed a deep gold,she smiled, beckoning him with one slender finger.

"Rania?," he yelled again as she ran off, he slipped and fell as thorns dug into his bare chest and hands. Sam still stood despite the pain as he chased after her. The tall pine trees pulled at his pajama bottoms and his hair. He still saw her long hair as he fought against the trees.  They seemed as if they were holding him back as he heard his brother yelling Rania's name as well.

"Rania come back!," Dean bellowed loudly, what he saw was similar to Sam's. Yet he followed red roses behind Rania. Her long blood red hair flowed behind her as he chased her. As the searched the end of the path they saw Rania sitting in the center where the pink and red roses mixed creating a pile of golden orange leaves. They both laid upon each other,their heads laying in Rania's forbidden form. Her long golden hair was in lush curls,yet her eyes were closed as golden tears rolled down her face.

"Rania?," Sam and Dean breathed out in unison, trying to reach for their Rania only for her forbidden form to draw golden spikes out her body towards their throats. 

"You have the audacity," she growled out," to touch me."

"Your suppose to be dormant," Sam stated.

"And you're suppose to protect me as I've protected you, " she snapped.

"Rania, where are you?," Dean asked as her child eyes looked at him and Sam.

"I've been telling you exactly where I am, " she hissed as another ring seered into their arm right above the last one.

"Find me,now!," Rania bellowed shaking the trees as they were yanked from their dream.


Rania gasped for air as ice cold water filled her lungs. She was under water screaming as someone held her under.

"Your awake," Satina said happily pulling Rania's naked body close.

"What....are you...doing?," Rania breathed out trying to push Satina away from her.

"You were screaming for....Sam and Dean," Satina snarled."So I decided to drown you until you stopped, and you did!,"Satina said happily.

","Rania stuttered out.

"Because I want you to call out to me like that," Satina told her,"Like you...need me," she giggled,forcefully  holding Rania as they stood in the cold waters of the lake.

'Please save me,'  Rania thought in fear,'or I'll kill myself. So that I won't suffer. '


Sorry for the late update but i'm back so hope y'all enjoy. Vote,comment,share and click. Love you all ttyl

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