Pink Skies 7

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" There was a loud scream, and when I got up, " he was torn to shreds she cried as her son held her. Apparently he was murdered in their house for no reason, it looked like a random attack. Yet it was the fourth one that the town had and the Winchesters knew that it was not an accident.

"Well thank you ma'am, we'll be going, " Sam said standing.

"Our condolences ma'am, it's not easy, but you are not alone. You and your son have each other and he'd want you two  happy, " Rania said as they felt a wave of comfort fill them they smiled.

"Thank you so much, " she stood still crying yet feeling better as she hugged the girl.

"C'mon Rania, " Dean said grabbing her arm as they walked out. They left heading to the car, as she got in Dean slammed his door upset.

"I do not care, I am not one to-,"Rania began as Sam cut her off.

"We said no powers," Sam told her.

"So let them suffer?,"she asked.

"Yes!," Dean yelled, "you can not mind control people. "

"It's not mind control,she only intensifies emotions that area already there," Jack said as Dean cute guys eyes at Jack telling him to stay out of it.

"Fine, I will allow them to suffer, " Rania said tired of arguing about doing what she's good at.

"That's not what we meant-," Sam said as she got out of Baby she slammed the door, making the car rock.

"Get your ass back her-," Dean yelled only for her to disappear from his sight as she walked away.

"She's gone?," Sam asked as Dean stayed quiet and pulled off. Sam did not approve of her outfit for the day, it was cute but it exposed her shapely body and her tattoos. Not sure what was going on, he hoped no one noticed her and if they did they saw her as only human, hopefully not attractive.

"Those are five claw marks,which means human, but no cold spots or EMPs tracing," Rania thought aloud as the door banged open to reveal the others. As sighed, she returned to the pictures of the bodies and the witness reports.

"You can not just disappear as you please," Dean snapped at her as she looked at him with a blank face.

"Careful Dean, you sound concerned about her, " Jack quipped as he went to his room.

"I can not tolerate you and these...rules. I plan to lea-," she began as she felt a tug on the pink cord, as she saw it tighten. It was a warning, she was not suppose to leave. Shutting her mouth she continued to look at the information. Seeing something odd she grabbed her leather jacket and headed out.

"Woah woah, Rania where are you going?," Sam asked standing in her way.

"There is something in the pictures and witness reports that is the same, I go check, " she said only for Sam to stop her again.

"We are a team, we don't do things alone," Sam said to her as she looked at Dean and him.

"So we are a team?," she asked.

"Yes, " Sam said as Dean nodded his head as Rania crossed her arms.

"So I can use my powers?," she asked.

"No, "they said in unison.

"So how are we a team if you have rules for me that I don't have for you?," she asked walking past Sam.

"You're staying here," Sam snapped at her trying to reason with her.

"Please don't touch me like that, " she warned trying to dodge their hands, Sam grabbed her arm as Dean grabbed her shoulder roughly, they both felt a warm flow into them.

Rania felt as if she was being attacked as her powers swelled to protect her from being hurt.

"I need you to send someone, " a males voice prayed as she tried to pull her powers in, complete darkness filled her vision.

"Shit!," Dean yelled as him and Sam was pushed away from her and collapsed on the ground.

"Dear God, send someone or something for protection and love, and can you give a sign to me that it's from you?," he asked,the voice echoing in her head.

Standing she smiled darkly her hair shielding her eyes as wind picked up around her feet,he hair was a deep maroon as her eyes looked at Sam they glowed a dark red.

"Let it bare your mark so I know that it's you, " he prayed as they watched Rania walk towards Sam.

''Get away from him, " Dean snapped getting up only to feel weak in his body, it was not calm, it felt like he was being weighed down by bricks.

"What's going on?," Jack asked only to drop trying to move, he felt as if barb wire was dragging across his lungs, as he screamed loudly.

"Love and protection, " the prayer echoed as she got to Sam she grabbed him by his neck as she licked his ear.

"Hurt me again,I dare you, " a low gruntal voice said,as Sam grabbed her arm choking he saw the cord connected to them was maroon, no longer was it the bright pink.  Grabbing it he pulled on his hard.

"Charmant," he gasped out as her eyes falshed pink then maroon, she grabbed her head in pain as she fell to her knees screaming. Sam grabbed her trying to calm her down but it wasn't working.

"Sauvegarde," a man yelled as Sam turned he saw Lucifer, and Rania. A black metal collar was around her neck as he held a black chain dragging her behind him. The rocks from the dry ground scrapped against her but she wouldn't get up as she forced her body down.

"Let me go you mangeur de merde," she yelled as her eyes flashed maroon. "I'll kill all of you soon," she growled as Asmodeus shoved her to the ground. He pulled out a sharp blade and cut her across her back she laughed and spit blood at him.


"It's ok," Sam said rubbing her head as he rocked her back and forth. Dean could move and Jack could breath again as they got up and rushed to Sam.

"I got her, we scared her, " Sam told Dean who tried to grab her away from Sam.

"Dean stop it!,she's scared," Jack said.

"I was too, what was that?," Dean asked.

"A reflex from trama and abuse, like PTSD, " Sam told Dean as he looked at her shoulder that was slightly exposed and remembered many deep scars was on her. Hanging his head he left out as Jack began picking up objects that fell. Sam rolled his eyes at his brother as he tried to comfort her.

Sam was worried by what he witnessed, he'd discuss it with Dean later, and hoped they could work with Rania, than against her. As he picked her up, hemoved to the couch he inhaled her raspberry scent he smiled. Maybe they shouldn't be so hard on her, once Cass was done with heaven, maybe he'd have information. Or maybe once at the bunker he could find information on their own. Rania was intriguing, even on the night of seeing her scars,he wondered alot about her. Yet Sam wasn't dumb, he knew that Dean felt it too,the tug to be close to her. Yet it wasn't to protect her,Sam knew that Dean was turned on by the girl. He noticed how Dean told her what wear as to not draw too much attention to her body, and how his eyes roamed her, just like his dead. Rania was short, shapely, with almond shapped pink eyes, full lips, a button nose and a soft voice.

Hopefully they could discover what she was soon, so that they could determine what to do. Sam wanted her to stay, if she was good,yet if he did choose to approach her with his intentions, Dean would too, and then they'd be each others competition. Yet as he looked at her, he didn't mind if it as much, the pull he felt was too strong.


Google Translations




mangeur de merde-shit eater

Vote, comment, share and happy reading also I'll make longer chapters I'm still introducing Rania so give me time.

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