High School Days in Sinnoh Chapter 1 - Are you?......!!!!!

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What's up guys and girls! This is Chapter 1 of High School Days in Sinnoh. As you can see it is entitled Are you?......!!!!!. Enough of my talk. I hope you're gonna enjoy it! This is my first Fan Fic so please be gentle with me! 

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, even the characters portrayed on the story. (But I wish I did own Pokemon)

Chapter 1: Are you?......!!!!!

It was a beautiful day here on Sinnoh! The summer had already ended so kids and teenagers are mostly bored to go to school. But not with this familiar blue haired girl. She has Blue hair, sapphire eyes, pink lips and a nice, slender body that fits her personality. The name of this girl is Dawn...

(Yawns) "First day of school this year and I'm pretty excited!" She said, while she was lying down her bed. She sat and grab her phone and her comb. She checked if she has any messages that can caught her eyes. But suprisingly not even a single text message was on her phone's inbox. Heck! Even the operator of her network did not text! "hmpfff!" She then threw her phone on the bed. She got up of her bed and she ran to her bathroom.

After an hour.....

"Oh! At last I feel refreshed and nice" She then changed to her normal outfit. Since the school don't have a main school uniform but there dress should have always black colors. "Dawn, come down already you're school bus is gonna fetch you any minute now!" Her mother said, then the door of her room opened and she ran down of her stairs and go straight the kitchen.

She was printing to the kitchen. She grabbed a pair of sandwich that her mother made and kissed her mother at the cheek. “Bye mom! Love you see you later!” She then sprinted and get out of her house. “Dawn wai-“ She sighed “ Teenagers nowadays” Dawn sprinted to a bus stop and she waited for a few minutes when suddenly… a young man came pass by him. He caught up with Dawn and made her stop. “ hey, are you going to Sinnoh High School? The young man asked and smiled to Dawn brightly. This young man is handsome. He has dark untamed hair, tanned skin, well toned muscle and body, amber eyes and a smile that can affect everybody he smiled on. She then blushed, “A-ah ye-yes I’m going there.” The boy then asked, “can you help me to get there? I’m a little bit lost.” He put his hand on Dawn’s shoulders. The girl then felt her face heated up. Dawn was blushing so red that she cannot hide it anymore. “Are you ok? Are you sick?” The young man asked and putted his hand on his forehead and checked her temperature. “Your just ok, you’re not sick why are you re-“ Dawn ran off and got off the bus and she left her white beanie on the ground where the young man stood. This young man scratched his head and said, “Man, she is really weird and she left her white beanie.” (Sigh) “I’m just asking where is the school, now I’m pretty sure that I’m lost. Dognammit!” The young boy picked the white beanie and he then found a name underneath the beanie. “Dawn Berlitz, hmmmm…. I must find her and return this hat” The young man then blushed “She is a cute girl, I think I’m falling in lov-“ “ Hey Ashy boy!” A young man with a red car said to the young man and snapped out him from his daydreaming. “Gary?” The young man said. “ Yes this is me what are you doing here Ash?” Gary said. “First of all before I answer your question, stop calling me Ashy!” Ash said literally irritated by his nickname. “Come on you gotta be kidding me, ok fine!” Gary sighed at his defeat. “Hop on the car now” Gary said. Ash happily nodded and open the car’s door and sit next to Gary. “Well I’m here because; I will be studying on Sinnoh High School.” Ash then explained. “Your now serious right?” Gary asked. “Yep, I am pretty serious!” Ash smirked. Gary then smiled like a Cheshire cat. “Yehey! For about some freaking time! I have someone to talk to.” Ash then asked Gary something, “Gary is this your first time going to this school?” Gary shake his head and said “Nope, I’m just a bit loner that’s all” Ash then arched Gary an eyebrow completely unsatisfied on Gary’s answer. “You gotta be kidding me, Ye gods you’re not a loner. You’re chasing girls remember?” Gary just shrugged and sighed. “That was before, when someone broked my heart…” Gary admitted. “Oh, sorry bro I never thought that you could be offended on such a thing.” Gary just merely smirked. “Come on hit the gas or we’ll be late.” Gary just smiled and said “Yes your highness!” Ash laughed.

2 minutes later after a dangerous ride from Gary’s car...


“Dognammit, y u no slow down?” Ash shrugged. Gary laughed and said “Because were late your highness.” The two young men then parked the car at the big parking lot at the school then Ash grabbed the white beanie of Dawn and sprinted to the Main door of the school. “ Hey Ash! What the freak men? You leaving me?” He followed Ash towards the main door. The two young men asked some students where the main hall was because transferees and School Officers where there. Then they sprinted again and now they’re off to the Main Hall. They luckily made it just in time for them to hear one of the School’s Officer speech and introduction of the School and they found some seats on the front row and the two seated there. But one of the School’s officer is a familiar person whom Ash met awhile ago… It’s Dawn. ‘Ye gods she’s here and she’s too damn beautiful!’ Ash thought to himself. When the girl was going to speak through the microphone, she frozed from her tracks and she was shocked. ‘Why is this young man here again? He’s on the same school and what’s that in his hand? Wait!! It’s my white beanie! Oh man he is gonna talk to me later!’ She thought. “Uhmm, Dawn are you okay?” One of the officers asked. ‘What if he asked my name and my phone number and he smiled that same bright smile again?’ She thought and then she blushed. “What if he hugged me and hold my arm?” She muttered loud enough to be heared by her co-officers ad teachers. Then suddenly… “Dawn, hey… Pstt! Dawn! Psst! Dawn! DAWN!!!!!!!”  Dawn the snapped out of her daydreaming and he heard something. “Dawn Berlitz please go to the principal’s office now!” A teacher said pointing her finger to the door of the main hall. Dawn then stepped off the stage and sprinted out of the Main hall clearly ashamed of herself. Ash then followed her out of the main hall. “Ashy where you’re going bro?” Gary asked while Ash is sprinting following Dawn. Dawn sprinted to the locker room and sat herself up on bench and cried clearly ashamed of what she did. Then she heard a voice called her name. “Dawn Berlitz! Dawn where are you? You left your white beanie earlier?” ‘That voice! Isn’t he the one I met earlier?’ She thought. She continued to dry herself up when suddenly a young man was in front of her. “Hey, you’re lucky I found you’re white beanie! Ash said  and smiled to Dawn brightly. Dawn blushed at this so she get her beanie from Ash. Pushed him out of her way. Ash slipped and fell to the floor. Dawn tried to sprint again when she tripped and found herself lying on Ash. “A-I’m so-sorry” She muttered. Ash thought her that she was cute when she that words. Then someone came on the room… “What the heck is going on here Dawn Berlitz???”

OOOH! A cliffhanger! Sorry guys and girls but I have to end first this story to this. I know it’s a bad ending. Do you like it? Please do vote and share if you liked it. I will be posting Chapter maybe once a week cause I don’t want to end it so far cause it’s Pearlshipping and I’m a big fan of it. So please comment if you want to tell something about this story. What will happen to Dawn? Will she got detention… with the young man… she don’t know but made her heart thump like crazy??? Tune in for the next chapter of High School Days in Sinnoh.

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