Training Complete:

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Scene opens to Michael punching Roland, he performs a three hit punch combo that Roland blocks with his arms, Michael kicks Roland in the chest launching himself back, Michael gets back up to his feet and tries to punch Roland in the face but Roland catches his fist mid punch.

Roland: "you telegraphed that punch like a flair"

Roland kicks Michael in the back of the legs knocking him off his feet and proceeds to punch him into the ground.

Roland: "I like your style but you gotta be sneakier. Roman, your up"

Roman steps into the arena but stays at his end of the ring waiting for Roland to make the first move. Roland starts his attack, Roman dodges ducks and blocks his strikes and follows with an uppercut to Rolands chin, Roland retaliates by uppercutting Roman and knocking him into the air and onto his back

Roland: "you're getting better, but you need to be more aggressive, you can't just block all the time, you gotta dish out some damage of your own"

Roman: "noted"

Roland: "Now then, I've got some urgent business to attend, I want you two to keep training, at least two hours each day. Maybe you'll stop pulling your punches with each other"

Meanwhile outside Victoria is sparring with both Olivia and Neo. Victoria is using a water spear Olivia is using dual daggers and Neo is using a rapier.
Olivia is being very acrobatic, she locks blades with Victoria, Victoria angles her blade downwards causing Olivia to drop, Victoria smacks Olivia on the back sending her face first into the ground.
Neo jumps in and kicks Victoria and starts swinging the sheath for her rapier at Victoria who parrays it. Neo thrusts the rapier forward but Victoria knocks it to the side and blasts Neo with a water blast sending her backwards. Olivia picks herself up and swings for and hits Victoria, she follows with a three stab combo but victoria is able to dodge them and cartwheels to the side.
Victoria uses her semblance to pull water out of the stream and blasts it at Olivia.
Olivia jumps over the blast and tries to hit victoria from above, Victoria throws the water into the air, catches Olivia and freezes her in place.

Victoria: "nice try hunny"

Victoria melts the ice letting Olivia slide to the floor.

Victoria: "You're both taking to your styles nicely, a few more months we can start looking at dust application, and then we can unlock your semblances and craft you weapons. Now then, should we raid the kitchens? We still have some ice cream left over from the celebrations."

Neo jumps in delight at the idea, Olivia does not

Olivia: "No thanks"

Victoria: "Okay then, come on Neo"

Victoria and Neo walk off into the mansion. Olivia continues to practice her form outside.

Victoria comes back outside "you'll tire yourself out"

Olivia doesn't even stop her practice to face Victoria

Olivia: "I'm fine"

Victoria looks quite sad: "you know, I still remember bringing you and your brother into this world, how curious you were, none of could believe the places we found you sometimes. But I can't remember the last time I saw you smile"

Olivia looks to the floor: "It's just how I am"

Victoria: "you weren't always like this"

Olivia: "stop lecturing me! Just leave me alone"

Victoria: "ok. I love you"

Olivia: "I know"

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