Odin interview, Odin, Roland and victoria secret meeting

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The scene opens to Odin and Victoria sitting down to watch gogglebox, the cast are watching Odin's recent interview.

Interviewer: "Hello Odin good to see you again"

Scottish viewer: "speak for yourself"

Odin: "Thank you, very good to be back I must say"

Old Lady: "there's something very reagle about him"

Old man: "whatcha mean?"

Old lady: "well he looks very kingly"

Interviewer: "So how have you been then?"

Scottish viewer: "How'd ya think he's been? He's bloody loaded"

Odin: "quite well actually, quite well"

Scottish viewer: "You bloody prat!"

Interviewer: "so I hear that your family has a new addition"

Bloke: "my god, he's been busy for his age hahahah"

Odin: "Why yes, my son Roman found a young girl in the city, she was starving, homeless, we have more then enough to spare so we've decided to share it with her"

Before and after pictures of Neo are shown with her next to Roman

Audience: "aww"

Old lady: "oh my, she's very pretty isn't she"

Teen girl 1: "is that Roman?"

Teen girl 2: "why can't he take me to his mansion?"

Teen girl 1: "ooo you like a bit a ginge do ya?"

Teen girl 2: "well..."

Teen girl 1: "oh Mr Torchwick, Im feeling ever so faint, won't you please hold me"

Teen girl 1 falls onto Teen girl 2s lap

Interviewer: "well I must say Odin, she, she's adorable"

Odin: "yes she is isn't she, which is why we will be helping to fund the construction and maintenance of an orphanage, to help other orphaned children like her"

Old Lady: "aww, that's very sweet isn't it"

Scottish viewer: "it's a PR ploy, bet ya that girls bloody miserable"

Skip ahead into the interview

Interviewer: "well I'm sorry to do this to you Odin but it's time for that question, (Odin rolls his eyes) what do you think of the latest actions committed by your brother?"

Scottish viewer: "He's in on it! Why can't anyone else see that?"

Odin: "My brother, is a maniac, and I wish the proper Authorities the very best of luck in their attempts to bring him to justice"

Roland appears behind Odin and Victoria leaning in the doorway.

Roland: "oh brother, you're gonna break my heart saying things like that about me"

Odin: "What are you doing here Roland?"

Roland: "Nice to see you too" looks to Victoria and tips hat "Me lady"

Victoria: "partner"

Odin: "What do you want?"

Roland: "we need to talk"

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