[prologue. | ? ]

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In a world where everyone was "blessed" with an exquisite power of their very own, this one so happened to lack it at the moment of their birth.

Or that was what they barely remembered. Now they had their own power, of course, but the fact that it'd been forced upon them at a point in their life had seriously altered their perspective on its elegance.

Said power only tempted them to use it to satisfy their curiosity. And that's what drew them to be standing where they currently were.

A key part of their past, although they'd taught themselves not to dwell on it. So they'd forgotten certain fragments of it, and they probably would appear as a hypocrite to anyone they could admit their actions to. Oh, well. They could easily, or more hopefully, mind their own business next time.

Then again, they told themselves that last time, and there they were. Exploring a facility that they shouldn't be focusing on when their life was pretty in tact.

Or maybe they were furtively yearning for some kind of thrill. And roaming around in this abandoned laboratory satisfied it in the slightest, despite feeling quite sickened at both themselves and their surroundings as well.

The only thing audible at the moment was their steady breathing. Almost shockingly steady, considering the situation. They  weren't where they were supposed to be.

Maybe I should leave already. A thought that constantly entered and exited their mind. It wasn't as if they were finding what they were looking for. 

The thought almost triggered a scoff- it was ridiculous to think that now. They'd already gone through with their previous notion. Why should they question it now?

Shaking their head slightly to clear their mind, they scanned their surroundings. It was dimly lit, the lights very dull and obviously in need of being replaced. The walls were tainted with dirt and possibly other substances they didn't want to remember.

They could hear movement from another area, which prevented them from moving on to explore.

Oh, the trouble they'd be in if they were caught by either the enemy or the people they knew. They were bound to disappoint one and provoke the other. It was already bad enough of them to intrude on the enemy's property, but they- someone with their history intertwined with this specific place- they wouldn't last a second.

Their heart raced, feeling a knot form in their stomach. They tensed as they heard a feminine voice coming from where the movement noises also originated.

"Did you find all of them?"

They sucked in their breath, glancing around the room they stood in, hoping to find a decent hiding spot. The only furniture that surrounded them was a file cabinet against the wall they were leaning on, and a desk that was placed in the middle of the floor. They glanced around once more, then concentrated. A moment later they were standing behind the desk, examining it to see if the space underneath it could shelter them from being seen.

As they crouched down, they heard another voice. Also feminine, yet this one sounded much older. And for some reason, they were able to detect a hint of malice in it as well.

"I'm missing one," the second voice answered the first, sounding heavily aggravated. "These ones aren't even useful. The one I needed the most- and it's not even here."

"It has to be," the first voice insisted. "Where else could it be?"

It was quiet for a few moments.

The first voice continued. "Maybe the administrator in charge of this place kept it. Since, as you said, it's more important than the rest."

"That doesn't matter to them," the second voice hissed. "You know what they've said. They're pussies for letting it go as soon as it was taken out of their grasp."

The first voice let out a chuckle as they countered, "Maybe they had a soft spot for this one."

"Bullshit. If that were true, they wouldn't have let her slip away so easily."

They heard a slam echo from where the two were, footsteps following after. They tensed as they realized the sound was advancing towards them. They only hoped that those two had no idea they were there.

"So what's so important about her anyways?" The first voice sounded so light and carefree compared to the second.

The second voice's tone was still hostile. "She's the key."

"To what?"

"Everything, dumbass."

Idiots. They put all the effort they could into not scoffing aloud.

"I'm sorry, but that don't explain much." The first voice was almost taunting the second.

"Do I have to tell you my business? You really have to be so damn nosy."

"You've already mentioned so much, you might as well tell me all of it." The first voice sounded atypically laidback.

It was quiet once more.

The conversation between the two was right at the doorway of the room they were hiding in as the second voice murmured, "I saw it, in a vision. I saw it all. Her fate's intertwined with another one, one who I despise. I despise them both, actually. They're meant to be destroyed. And I'm the one who's meant to do it. It's all meant to be."

"Damn." There was surprise in the first voice. "You sure it's all going to happen?"

The second voice only laughed spitefully. "My visions aren't wrong."

They could hear footsteps shuffle into the room they were hiding in, and sucked in their breath again. It was more likely that they wouldn't be found, but doubt still persistently nagged at them.

They heard someone roughly open the file cabinet and flick through whatever could be in there, followed by a grunt. "Not here, either." It was whom the second voice belonged to, most likely.

"This room seems too plain to have something like an important file in it," the first voice mused. "I think we should go."

"Oh, shut up." The footsteps continued until they heard them pause right beside the desk.

I didn't even check if it had drawers, they thought bitterly, feelings of agitation and fear brewing within them.

And then they saw her. And she saw them.

Their mahogany eyes met the cold gaze of sea green ones, her eyes boring into theirs. Hers were a mix of shock and anger, and many more negative emotions that they couldn't think of. They'd become too anxious and intimidated to use their mind efficiently.

"You," she growled, her facial expression showing that she was putting things together.

And so were they, for something clicked in their mind that revealed exactly who she was looking for.

She was looking for them.

It only proved them right even more when she looked as if she was about to lunge at them, eyes blazing with hatred.

They inhaled sharply, their mind starting to function properly once more.

And with that, they vanished.

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