Olivia Casini

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Name: Olivia Christine Davenport Casini - goes by Casini
Nickname/s: Liv, Dolcezza, Ollie, Livy, Clumsy Casini
Age: Turns 17 at the beginning of the book
Born: September 18th
Height: 5 ft 4 in

       ● Was born in Florence, Italy and therefore has dual citizenship.
       ● Her middle name is after her maternal grandmother.
       ● Started school a year early.
       ● Her favorite architectural style is Art Deco, which is why her favorite building in NYC is the Chrysler Building.


Mother: Christina Angelique Genesis Casini
Nickname/s: Tina
Age: 43
EXTRA: Started seeing Olivia's father in secret just out of high school, as he was staying with the family for the summer.

Father: William Davenport
Nickname/s: Will, Billy
Age: 46
EXTRA: Have been best friends with his brother-in-law since university.
His younger cousin got kidnapped as a kid and she has never been found.

Brother: Thomas Milton Davenport Casini
Nickname/s: Tom, Tommy
Age: (14)
EXTRA: His middle name is after his paternal grandfather.

Maternal grandparents:

Name: Martha Christine Wilkinson
Nickname/s: Grandma, Molly
Age: 67
EXTRA: Has a twin sister, Miriam, who lives in France.
Grew up in a closed Catholic community.

Name: John Alessandro Casini
Nickname/s: Nonno, Johnny
Age: 74
EXTRA: Is the oldest of seven siblings, three of them passed away when they were young.
Owns a large estate in Italy where they stay during the summer.

Parental grandparents:

Name: Lorraine Vivienne Herbert-Bouchard
Nickname/s: Mamie, Raine
Age: 69
EXTRA: Is French-Canadian.

Name: Milton Davenport
Nickname/s: Grampa
Age: 74
EXTRA: Suffers from a bad heart.

Extended family:

Great-grandmother: Carlotta Leona Morelli De Luca
Nickname: Bisnonna, Lotty
Age: 93
EXTRA: Her mother migrated from Italy to the USA while pregnant with her, and thus she is the first in the family to have been born in America. Her father died on the trip over.

Uncle: Alexander Joseph Benedict Casini
Nickname/s: Alex
Age: 46
EXTRA: Is named after his father and his father's younger brother, who died as a toddler.

Cousin: Christian Alexander John Casini
Nickname/s: Chris
Age: 14
EXTRA: Is Olivia's only full cousin.
Named after both Olivia's mother, his own father, and his grandfather.

Olivia has a very large extended family on her mother's side. The majority lives all over American, but some also live in both Italy and France. Part of her father's family lives in Canada.

(I've created her entire family tree, but I don't know that anyone would be interested in seeing -?)

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