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Annabelle's POV

We sat on the sofa in each other's arms, I was avoiding all eye contact with my mum as she looked at me with questioning eyes.

"So, Annabelle... are you finally ready to spill the beans? We've been sitting here like this for the past half an hour and you haven't spoken of anything. Not even when I cut that fruit that I bought for you to look like a unicorn. Can you at least give me an inkling of what you confronted in that creepy place? Please? Ok ok, if you tell me I promise not to bring it up ever" I stared at her dumbfounded and speechless, unsure of how to express myself to my mum, will she even believe me? I mean, I can hardly believe it myself and I'm only six. I watched carefully raised her hand towards me, then holding out her pinkie

"Pinkie promise?" I really wanted to tell mommy, but I can't. otherwise she won't let us meet. She won't let my dream come. She will keep me from her.

"M-mommy..." I slowly lifted my trembling hand, trying to steady it as I intertwined my pinkie with hers.

"Ok," I say with a frown etched on my face. I close my eyes tightly, trying to stop my tears threatening to spill as I kept my fingers crossed behind my back. This would be the first time I'm lying to my mum. The first time, and it's only for her.


I lie in bed with my mum taking in her features as her gaze also fixated on me. Aunt Maisy was an exact replica of mommy, sometimes even I would get them confused. She looked at me expectantly waiting for me to say what I saw, what caused me to be so upset what made me look back smiling sadly as we walked back home. I took in a deep breath, as I pondered over what had occurred earlier today in broad daylight...


I slowly crawled inside the strange building. It was dark. Suddenly a red light flickered in the centre of the room. I slowly approached it as other lights of various colures flickered at different time as though they were dancing as the machine beeped. It was faint, but audible.

I stood watching the machine intrigued, but my feet glued to the floor when something extremely surprising happened. A neon coloured, goo-like substance oozed its way out of the machine ever so slowly taking its time, causing the whole room to glow bright green. I stared hesitantly at the machine slowly powering off as the goo squirmed around the ground as though trying to form a particular shape. The thing grew taller and taller until a few moments later, there in front of me, was a ditto copy of me, a clone.

"Who... what are you?" I questioned, my face emitting my emotions, I was terrified.

"Me? I'm a shapeshifter, and finally I have concluded you to be the perfect person to clone; as your doppelganger of course," it smiled giving me a piecing look.

"Wait... I'm confused. So does that mean you're like my twin?" I asked my frown turning into a goofy smile, feeling cold air pass through the gap where my front tooth is missing.

"Well, I guess you could say that," she grinned.

I stopped mid-track as I heard mommy yell, "Annabelle! Sweetie! Please come here! I beg you! Come back to me" I looked back at her smiling sadly,

"I hope I can meet you again! I need to go, mommy is getting worried, I can't bear it when she cries"

"Ok. And don't worry about meeting me, you have my word, we will cross paths again a lot sooner than you'd expect" she gave me a smile, masked with a meaning, a meaning I couldn't quite decipher. I pushed my thoughts aside as I ran out.


"Annabelle? Speak up, don't worry, I'll solve your problem, you're safe with me sweetie" she smiled at me, softly stroking my cheek. I looked at her, deciding how to tell her,

"nothing much mommy, there were two cats, twins, one was injured really bad and I didn't know how to help it. I-I was just wondering... how would the cat feel to lose its identical shadow... and that's when I heard you and I rushed out" I watched attentively as tears were beginning to form in my mum's eyes, and she quickly wiped them away.

"you really have a strong imagination, huh?" She asked almost drifting away into her own thoughts looking at the ceiling until I cuddled up to her. I was lying to her, it was true, and I felt bad and guilty, but I could tell from her smile that it was fake. She was also hiding something from me. I just hope I see my sister again, my shapeshifting sister. Mommy was wide awake as I drifted into a deep sleep with a smile on my face, hearing something, probably in my sleep...

...light sobs.

Hey ya'll! Would you prefer a POV of Mary next? I know i haven't updated at all and I'm extremely sorry, i just had a lot going on recently and i also have my finals this year in May so I'm studying like crazyyyyyy 

Jokes. Who actually studies when you can procrastinate with food and Netflix binge watching? Also, i hope ya'll know I love you all ❤❤, i know this isn't THE BEST book but I'm so thankful for those who read it and comment, you make me smile 🤗😉

A bro of mine @Asted101 has some reallyyy good books that deserve a lot more attention, be sure to give him a follow and check them out!

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