Chapter 10 - Jameson ...?

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A/N: g u y s. We passed 500 reads! Thank you ... so much. I'm glad people are enjoying this story, even with all the random breaks and so, SO many changes in point of view (and major inconsistencies). Enjoy this next part, with our favourite mute boy!! ;D

Jackie's POV

I wake up slowly, none of my senses cooperating at first.

Everything feels numb, then they slowly start kicking in.

First, my sense of feel as my muscles begin to do what they're meant to do. I shift my hand around, feeling only smooth, cold concrete for a moment until I brush by something rough, yet soft, like the fabric of some sort of clothing. My arm being outstretched and away from my body means that it can't be my own jumpsuit. I close my hand into a fist as my ears kick in and I hear something shuffle around, pulling against my grip. Everything else turns on lightning fast and I shoot up into a battle ready crouch position, ignoring the bright, harsh lights in the room as they assault my eyeballs.

Nothing wants to focus and I can just make out a figure backing away from me, their - no, HIS - moustache standing out like a sore thumb. He's on the floor and slowly inching away, like he's scared I'm going to hurt him, which, in the pose I'm currently in, may seem plausible in his mind. My memories all come crashing back at me within a couple seconds and I topple down to the floor, gripping my head and attempting to dull the pain with my powers, noticing ... it doesn't seem ... to want to work.

My chest aches as I take in this new information, eyes widening at the realization that ... THAT ASSHOLE! I snarl.

"MothERFU- AHH! DAMN HIM!" The man nearby flinches at my loud tone of voice and covers his ears, attempting to be discreet, but I see and flush in embarrassment at my outburst, breathing heavily. "S-sorry, Jameson."

Things slowly start to come into picture, the first being Jameson sitting across the way from me, the rest of the room following. He lowers his hands and holds them out for me to see as he senses my focus returning. There is nothing in his hands, not that I have reason to distrust the gentleman. I put on a small smile and nod, then turn somber as the memories completely return again. My gaze drifts down and I hear shuffling come near me again, Jameson coming into view with a happy, yet still wary, smile; I can see in his eyes that he means well but I really must've startled him.

"James ... what happened? I have no memory of anything after I passed out; do you know?" The mute shrugs his shoulders before reaching out to touch me. I shy away a little as he aims for my chest, but he places his hand down gently, just above the tear in my suit. "J-Jameson? What're you-"

"It's fine, Jackie. This is the only other way I'm able to communicate, unless you have time to have everything written down for you?" Jameson looks straight into my eyes and I hear his thoughts clear as day, his inner voice more on the British side than Irish.

"We need to get you signing lessons," I mumble, in awe, to which Jameson nods in agreement, smile widening as he's happy I can understand him. I smile back sadly and remind the gentleman what it is we needed to talk about. "How ... how did you find me?"

He sulks down a little, hand falling from my chest and tears forming in his eyes. Jameson pulls back and away from me as I reach out to comfort him. He turns back up to me moments later, seemingly all business now as he doesn't smile in the slightest. "I ... was out on a stroll late last nightfall, in your hideouts' general area. Doctor Schneeplestein had told me he was staying over for a few days, although for what reason I'm not too clear on. I was on my way to-"

I interrupt him, "Yeah, I'm not sure with his reasoning either. But, I mean, he hasn't caused any trouble, so it seems harmless enough. I just hope he and Anti will be alright alone together. Well, not alone because they have Jack there too, but-"

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