Chapter 1

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Don't you love when something good happens that you weren't expecting; No matter how big or small it is. It's literally the best feeling in the world.

Now nothing like that normally happens to me. My life is incredibly uneventful.

I spend entire days with my nose in a book. It's just nice to escape and feel like you're actually in the story.

But when I received a text from my best friend Sienna that all changed.

From Sienna:


To Sienna:


After about 5 minutes of painful waiting she finally replied.

From Sienna:

Jack. Dail. Is. moving. To. our. school.

I totally thought she was 'bs'ing me. So I went to his

Twitter and sure enough it was true!!

To Sienna:


I suddenly wasn't dreading the first day of school. But of course every girl in the school would be all over him.

Jack was a month and a few days older than me. He's literally all I thought about for the remaining days of summer.

Sienna and I went back to school shopping and she went overboard as usual. I only bought a few things.


I let out a massive sigh as I hit my alarm.

I look at my phone and it's 6:30 am. Jeez I'm never gunna get used to this.

I hop out of bed feeling like death and begin getting ready.

I put on my new hollister jeans and a black lacey tank with some black vans. I straighten my hair and do my makeup.

When I'm finally ready I walk out the door to meet Sienna at her house.

She comes out looking like she spent hours getting ready.

We arrive at school and I go straight to my first class: science. As I'm walking up the stairs I look out the window and see him. Jack Dail.

I stood there and froze totally fan girling on the inside. He was surrounded by a crowd of girls just like I'd presumed.

The bell rings and I hurry to class.

It's now finally lunch and I'm walking with my friend Madison to our lockers.

"Pretty sure we have the worst history teacher of life," I whine to Madison.

She laughs,"that's for sure."

We meet all out friends at my locker and then go down to the caf together.

I bite into my sandwich when I see Jack walk into the caf with the crowd of girls. He's smiling and taking pictures with them.

I didn't want to be one of those girls, I thought I'd just annoy him. So I kept my distance.

"Jeez he's like a celebrity," Madison says.

"Well I mean just look at him," exclaims Sienna.

We all laugh.

Now I had English. Our teacher had put our names on our desks and I looked for mine. I finally found it 'Hannah Tomson'.

I peek at the desk beside me and the card read 'Jack Dail'. I actually thought I was going to die.

I was worried about what he's think of me. I started to panic and then I saw him walk into the room. It's still didn't feel real.

He was perfect; he wore tan khakis, black vans and a tie die shirt. His hair sat perfectly as he walked over to our desks.

I was still frozen just staring. I looked like an idiot but I couldn't stop.

He sat down and looked at me.

Is this real life omfg I thought to myself.

"Hey, I'm jack," he says smiling. His smile made me melt.

"Uhmm.. Hi I'm ughh.. Hannah," I say dorkishly. I immediately wanted to shoot myself for being so embarrassing.

The teacher begins to talk and I just sat silently the whole class. Taking every chance I could to look at him.

When class ended he walked out beside me.

"See ya," he says.

"Bye," I smile.

I was definetly going to tell Sienna everything on our walk home.

"Ughhhh that's so not fair he's in none of my classes," whines Sienna.

"Haha but you have a boyfriend, remember," I explain winking.

"So what? He's Jack Dail"

We laugh and chat the whole walk home.

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