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Afew minutes later the pair walked back to the ballroom, however everything was drastically different. The guests were more... active... to say the least. People were dancing like nothing really mattered while stragglers were drinking like it was the end of the world. Even Zelda was dancing with the man from before..

The king was chuckling at the scene in front of him, obviously a little out of it at the moment. "Father,"
Sidon said, gaining his fathers attention and ultimately sobering him up a bit. "O-oh! My son!" He says with a smile. "Who is this?" Link's mask was back on, but seeing as he revealed himself earlier in the night to both Zelda and Sidon, they can see him for what he is.
"Oh father, this is-"
"One of the Princess's knights your majesty. It's an honor to meet you."
The king squints his eyes and glances over Link. However he only nods, "The same to you sir." And turns to his son, mouthing something with a wink. The prince nods and smiles, gaining a laugh from the King. "I never new you were aquatinted to magic my good sir!"
The hero smirks and shakes his head "Nope. Know some friends that owe me a favor though."
"I guess you'll have to introduce me to them then."
He bows, "Of course your majesty." The king howls with laughter, gaining the attention of other party goers. "Once this is all done, we are definitely going to have a talk about that mask."
The hero nods in understanding and Sidon tells his father to enjoy the party.

Sidon offers Link his hand once they turn away from the king, to which the hero accepts. "May I have this dance?"
"Why of course you may."

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