Tag You're It: 20 Things About Me

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Okay! I was tagged by @takatsu so let's do this :). 

1. I'm a serious video game nerd. No joke. I have more systems than I know what to do with and am obsessed by The Legend of Zelda series (who's excited for Hyrule Warriors?) & Final Fantasy. I kill at Super Smash Brothers so if you're down for a challenge let me know! 

2. I'm hella allergic to horses. I don't know why, but I grew up on a farm in Virginia and we had horses. One day I could ride, the next day I had hives all over my body. #goodtimes

3. I used to work in the music business and worked & toured with indie and major artists for seven years. Big part of my life, but I'm excited to be starting a new chapter of my life. 

4. I love K-Pop and J-Pop. I also speak conversational Korean and Japanese. I hope to live & teach in Korea and Japan in the future. 

5. I speak nearly fluent French. 

6. I'm adopted! So is my sister! High-five for adopted people :P.

7. I love dogs. LOVE dogs. Especially boxers but that may be because I own half of one, the other half of her is lab and her name is Kira <3.

8. I broke my collarbone and got the flu at the same time. Yep, that blew. 

9. I love sports. Especially the World Cup. Major Germany and England fan!

10. I went to school in England when I was younger. Haven't been able to get enough of London since (I visit whenever I can).

11. I used to take Kendo (the art of Japanese sword fighting). It was incredibly awesome to watch but super hard to learn. Basically, I sucked, but at least the uniform looked cool. 

12. My best friend is my editor. She's pretty freaking cool and doesn't let me get away with anything. Seriously.

13. When I'm writing first drafts I tend to forget articles. I have no idea why this happens but basic things like "a" and "the" tend to be missing from my drafts. 

14. "The Runaways" was the first novel I completed. It's in edits now (God help me). 

15. I don't like most seafood. Basically anything that smells like fish is pretty awful in my book.

16. I spent a fair amount of time in Charlottesville, VA & Washington, D.C growing up. The Runaways takes place in both of these places.

17. I'm a classically trained pianist, singer, and composer. Studied at Peabody for quite some time when I was younger.

18. I'm a UCLA Alumni! Yeah, Bruins!

19.  I love anime. I'm a couple steps short of being an otaku. #pride 

20.  I'm a 90's kid through and through. I quote 90s movies constantly, know most of the jingles from old school commercials, and basically haven't grown up. #BANGARANG 

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