Chapter 3: Breathing As One

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A year goes by so quickly.

Raja was there when the elves came. They found their village and said that the land, the grass sprouted from the ruins of the previous civilization. They were trying to reach out and rebuild.

Raja didn't think much of it at first, but he soon realized that the elves and the many visitors in those months saw their village as a landmark of sorts. It was in a position that benefited the future roads and routes for traders. Lumber Mills were budding near, and more inhabitants were flocking.

There were actual buildings now, and the school, after four months of building, was paved with mud bricks from the lands of the swamps near the glades to the south. He saw more children and families enter, and he couldn't keep up.

"You have a pretty cat," One boy had told him. He was a half-elf from the looks of his parents, newly moved into the many villages along the installed roads. 

"Thanks," Raja smiled, just coming from class with their new teacher. He was given much to read! He loved it, "His name is Noble. My ma got him as a birthday present."

"Oh?" The boy smiled as he went in to pet him. Noble stiffened, but the boy was able to give him a little tap, "My name is Amello, by the way. I just moved here."

"Oh, I know," Raja smirked, pushing a strand of black hair behind his ear, "Many visitors like yourself have been coming to my village. If I do recall, you were preaching about... hmm, what was it?"

"Luna," Amello said quickly. He was the same age of thirteen, but he was small. The boy fixed his knitted hat with his long silver hair and blinked his hazel eyes, "The ruins . . . There's a castle that they plan to rebuild. They found a library that talks of gods and goddesses. They plan to make it a school I think . . . for smart people."

That piqued the boy's interest, but he didn't further question it.

"Do you believe there's a god, Amello?" Raja asked as he was no ordinary thirteen-year-old.

The half-elf grew excited as he fetched a book out of his bag. It was terribly old, and the leather was aged. Somehow, the contents inside were in good condition, "My dad gave that to me. It talks of the gods walking this earth!"


"Can I borrow this? I'll return it to you in class in a few days time," Raja requested.

The boy nodded before hearing a man call out his name. It was time to go back to his parents.

"Come on, Noble," Raja said, looking down at the book. It suddenly felt heavy with emotion in his hands as he walked back home.


They walked back home with his mother out of sight. Her job as scout changed when the elves arrived, and now she worked to rebuild and construct better things for this village. She was gone most hours of the day.

Raja walked down the hall to his small room, the lion following him. Noble had gotten a grip on his changing powers three months after the first encounter. He was only comfortable doing it in front of Raja to which he did so. Raja then remembered the first time he was able to hold it for a short time.

It was in the morning, and the early wind had picked up. It was cold in the room, but the warmth was offered in plentiful amounts. He groggily opened his eyes to a boy sleeping on his chest. It was normal for Cat Noble to sleep near him on the bed as it gave both comfort but this was different.

"Noble?" Raja said quietly. The boy was awakened from the heavy sleep that had overtaken him the night before.

Once Noble realized the position, he saw up and scooted to the side. He gulped, the boy version of his best friend a lot smaller than he was, "It's . . . Leo."

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