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Bracken POV

As we climbed the stairs of the old house, I became increasingly nervous, what if I didn't make it there in time, even if we caught the bird. Oddly, the only thing I could think about is how mad her dad would be with me. Especially after the way he had been yelling at me.

I shook my head to clear it, I have to start thinking more positively. I do have, including today, two more days to find this bird. I hope that is long enough.

"Dude, you okay?"

Gregory? Asked.

"I'm fine. Just fine."

I hadn't realized that I had snapped at him until I looked at his face.

"Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind. I really need to find this bird. And fast."

"Wow, you act like your life depends on this."

I flinched. It just brought back the morbid thoughts of Kendra. And what would happen if I failed. I know he saw me flinch. He is very observant.

"Hey sorry, I really didn't know that your life depends on it. It does right?"

"Sort of."

"What do mean by sort of."

"I took my friend named Kendra into the Fairy Kingdom. She was stung by a peacock. If I don't get this as soon as I can, she won't wake up."

"You act like she is a little more than a friend."

"I don't really know what we are, I mean I love her. I just don't know how she feels."

"Well, how about we find this bird so that you can find out."

"Sounds like a plan."

We reach the start of the forest, it is tropical, obviously, but it still reminds me of Fablehaven. What I would give to be their right now.

Gregory unsheathed the machete from its scabbard. I have to admit that was one sharp knife. I reached into my pocket for my second horn.


"Not as wicked as that sword thing."

We entered the forest.

"So, where was the last place that this bird was spotted?"

"The last time I saw it was about a week ago, and it was in its nest, which is in the heart of this forest."

"How far away is the center of this forest."

"I would say that it is about 45 miles away."

"Well if we want to get there we had better start moving, let's go."

We shouldered our pack and set of towards the center.


It had been a few hours and we had almost drank all of our water, we were nearing the center. Based on my calculations, we have about 15 more miles.

The trek to reach here has been difficult. We've had to cross rivers, climb some cliffs and we have Ben encountered a wild cat or two. Let's just say, we may be injured, but you should see what injured us.

I'd have to say, though, that the plants got the worst of it. Note to self: never be around a mad Gregory with a machete.

I have realized that the closer we have gotten to the nest, the harder it is to walk, but my determination to save Kendra will beat any obstacle thrown at me.

We keep walking until we realize that the ground drops into a cliff in a few feet. There is no way I see that I can get across.

"We can't go any father. There's no way to get across."

"Well.......never mind."

"What is it?"

"I could lift you up, and float you to the other side, but I've never tried it before, only with small objects."

"Let's do it."

"Are you sure about this, I can't guarantee your safety."

"I'll do anything to save Kendra."

"Okay, just don't say I didn't warn you. And I don't think that after using so much of my strength that I can come over, you'll have to do this alone."

"I understand. Now get me over."

He nodded and started to mumble the spell. His brow was furrowed in concentration. I was beginning to worry that I wouldn't work. But just as I thought that, I felt my feet rise of the ground. It was working! I was going to save Kendra!

As I neared the other side of the canyon, I started to sink, Gregory was losing, his energy was becoming weaker.

Just a little farther.

It was obvious that he wouldn't be able to get me the last few feet. So I did the only logical thing, I jumped. Not into the canyon. To the other side. I made it.

"You okay?"

"Don't worry Bracken, I'm fine, just a little tired."

"Okay, I'll be back soon."

"You realize I won't be able to bring you back over."

"I know."

"Then how will you get over?"

"I'm a unicorn dude, I have my ways."

"Well why didn't you say that a few minutes ago?"

"I needed to save my strength."

"Sure. Just get going."

I walked into the heart of the jungle. It was a lot easier to walk in this part. I had to keep look g up I to the trees. That's where the bird's nest would most likely be, right? My neck hurt so bad by the time I actually found it.

There it was, the nest. I saw a flicker of red. The bird was here.

Now, I just have to catch it.

That shouldn't be a problem. This bird has only managed to escape everything or everyone that has tried to capture it. Easy as pie.


Sorry about the wait. I've been a little busy with my other stories.

What do you think about this chapter?

I'm thinking if doing the next one in Kendra's POV. It will be pretty short though.

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Thanks for reading!

Next Time,



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