Chapter 2

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Beerus grunts in pain after getting his fingers broken

Beerus:Well,not gonna lie that kinda hurt,but I'm not going full power...


Beerus looks at him curiously


He flies at him again he disappears

He grabs 18 this time

Beerus:This is exciting but I want to see more of it so...

He throws 18 into a building

Y/n catches her

As he looks up his eyes show nothing but hatred and rage

Y/n:You tried to take my 18 and C/n away from me,now I will take something you value...

Beerus smiles in excitement


He flies to be beerus at top speed he grabs him but beerus punches him in the face

He stumbles back a bit but he still has a hold of beerus

Beerus punches him again but it has less of an effect on him

Beerus punches him once but this time...

With no effect

Y/n laughs at him


Y/n kicks him so hard he ends up in space

Y/n turns around

Y/n:I'll be back guys,look into the sky and you'll see me fighting! I'll protect you all!

C/n runs to y/n and hugs his leg

C/n:Go beat that purple cat man!

Y/n giggles and pats her head

He vanishes into space to continue fighting

When he leaves whis speaks

Whis:I'm truly sorry for my lords actions he has a bit of a temper...

18:Don't worry y/n is pretty hot headed too...

Whis:Don't take this the wrong way but y/n may not beat lord beerus...

18:What are you talking about he looked like he beating him down just now,plus he can't die!

Whis:Not exactly...

18's as well as everyone else's eyes widen shocked

Whis:You see by standard means he can't be killed making him immortal in a sense,but...

18:But what...!

Whis:Lord beerus has something for people who can't be killed

Whis smirks

Whis:He erases them from existence...

18 looks at each other wondering if they should believe it

Whis:I'm not going to lie though y/n already has God of Destruction power levels making him have a good fight against lord beerus.

Whis sighs

Whis:I told him not to aggravate him but he didn't listen now he has to fight a berserk fighter...

18:I know y/n will beat him!

Whis smiles

Whis:You must be his wife correct

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