Chapter 2 ish (there's not really chapters)

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(Authors Note: sorry about some of the repeated info during POV switches it happens at the same time and this will continue the story)

*2-3 months later/ next quarter(based on 4 quarter year)*

We soon fell into a routine of classes together, lunch, and going home after school, but everything changed when I got kissed by Max Tate. How? You may ask, well Lily and I were walking down the hall and she had just asked me to explain why I always wear black lipstick, so I told her "Well I don't actually wear black lipstick. The culture I come from, we are all born with a black mark where we touch out soulmate for the first time. To the people who are soulmates apparently, so says my mom and dad, it flashes a million different colors and the feel a zing rush through them, so the soulmates actually know they met, at least that's how it was for my mom and dad."

"Oh weird," she replied. Then it happened I smacked right into Maxillion Tate, Max to friends.

*Max's P.O.V*

My friends and I were walking down the hall, they, of course, teasing me about my black lips, like always.

"Whos first contact is a kiss?" Micha asked sarcastically.

"I don't know, me!" I reply. Me being the captain of the football team you wouldn't expect me to have black lips, I look like a goth but not exactly. I'm dating Rain Lécar the captain of the cheer team, as in most high schools, at first she got a little pissy because she didn't take my mark, but oh well. And then it happened I ran into a girl accidentally kissing her as I tried to catch her.

*Natalya's P.O.V.*

I felt a zing as our lips met in the accidental kiss that he and I shared in our collision.

*Max's P.O.V*

I felt a zing and quickly pulled away to see the girls lips flash a million different colors it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, but when I looked into her eyes I found that I was delightfully mistaken the girl herself was far more beautiful. The look she gave me made my heart melt. It was a look of confusion and longing I was sure I had the same look on my face. We stood there for what seemed like forever.

*Natalya's P.O.V*

He broke the kiss quickly the stood there with me in his arms for what seemed like forever watching my lips, I looked to his and they flashed a million different colors, it was beautiful. I looked back up to his eyes and the same time he looked into mine, I saw a look of confusion and longing there, that probably matched mine. He composed himself quickly and let me go, I composed myself a little slower but still quickly, just as his girlfriend Rain Lécar walked up.

*Max P.O.V*

I composed myself and pulled away making sure she wouldn't fall over then letting go. Just as I let go Rain walked up and as soon as she saw she started to flip out asking "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?"

"Nothing happened," I calmly told her. "Its ok we just bumped into each other." I continued trying to convince her that nothing happened even though I know I just met my soulmate.

"Really, nothing happened." the girl's voice cut me away from my musings.

"Hey, who are you anyway?" Rain asked rudely.

"Natalya Lockstern" the girl answered back. 'Natalya Lockstern, beautiful, even more, beautiful was the girl who held the name, wavy brown hair, beautiful dark brown eyes that sparkled with gold flecks, beautiful, full, soft lips, the perfect body thin but not too skinny like Rain, holy crap she's gorgeous.'

"Hey, babe lets go." Rain interrupted my thoughts with a whiny voice wanting me to walk her class.

"Sorry for bumping into you," I told Natalya.

"No its ok it was my fault, I wasn't watching where I was going," she said apologetically.

"No it was my fault I wasn't paying attention." it probably would have gone on but Rain was pulling on my arm saying "I don't care who's fault it was let's go babe she's nobody."

"Sorry," I said to Natalya again.

"It's ok. bye, " she said back and walked away.

*Natalya's P.O.V.*

I look back as I'm walked away from the incredibly awkward situation that had just happened, just as Max looked back as well, I saw an apologetic look cross his face right before he turned back to his friends and needy girlfriend. The "sorry" look was probably for bumping into me and is idiotic girlfriends comment on me being "nobody" although he and I both know what had just happened, our marks were gone and we were soulmates. Little did he know it was my first kiss, how romantic right.

"Hey what just happened?" questioned Lily.

"Nothing" I answer at almost a whisper.

"That was not, nothing, you guys kissed for one and you were acting like you guys were little kids with crushes on each other, I thought you didn't like him," Lily answered back a little louder than I would have liked.

"That's because I didn't like him," I told her calmly.

"Then what was that?" she almost shouted.

"Shh," I told her looking at her with a death like glare. "Look at my lips."

"What? Why?" she asked more quietly.

"Just do it!" I commanded her quietly. She glanced over and stopped dead in her tracks seeing that they were no longer black.

"He's...he's your, huh? She stumbled still looking at my lips.

"Yeah, come on. We have to get to class." I urged her.

"B-but him?" she asked blinking quickly like she was trying to clear her head.

"Apparently, I don't have any control over it. I don't get to choose my soulmate. It just I don't know happens!" I exclaimed.

"Ok, calm down," Lily said almost exasperating.

"What are you talking about, I am calm!" I said.

"Sweetheart you're nearly shouting," Lily said calmly.

"Oh, sorry," I said calming down. Looking around I noticed several pairs of eyes on us. "I just didn't expect this so soon, my moms gonna kill me."

"It's gonna be ok, we'll think of something," Lily said as she took my hand and started guiding me to class.

"No, I have to tell her the truth she'll find out somehow. I mean my mark is gone."

"Ok" Lily answered as the warning bell rang to get to class, we stepped into class a few seconds later dropping the subject. Lily gave me a 'we are so talking about this later' look.

"'Kay," I say as I take my seat.

*Max's P.O.V.*

I looked back at Natalya's' retreating form, she looked back as well and I shot her an apologetic look mainly for Rains' snide comment because Natalya was anything but a nobody. 

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