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Even if he purposely asked for an answer, Shino was taken aback. He also wished time could stop so he could find an appropriate response. He should have thought about it even before asking. Seeing someone he appreciated being this apprehensive made him rather nervous. She was still hiding her face, unable to move. After what seemed like an endless reflexion, he decided to delicately take her hands off her face. Since he was now holding her hands, Mizuiro's eyes opened up slowly.

"I'm glad," he finally answered.

She had stopped trembling, trying to analyze what just happened. She looked at Shino's face with an intrigued look.

"You... you are?"


His usual low and monotonous voice had never sounded so soft to her ears. He turned his face elsewhere after saying that. He was blushing, which was definitely something strange to witness coming from him. Mizuiro couldn't believe her eyes. To think he would answer so quickly was even more outstanding. She was happy she could see his face right now. Usually, he'd hide behind his goggles or his hood; but his yukata let his whole face visible. Her thoughts were going everywhere in her head. Maybe he did feel the same way towards her.

Mizuiro saw Kiba and Hinata coming back behind Shino. Immediately, she removed her hands from his and coughed a bit, trying to make it look like it was the reason of her redness. Shino turned his head to greet his friends with a small bow.

"Yo!" Shouted Kiba. "Bet your food wasn't as good as ours! It was awesome!"

Mizuiro couldn't have cared less about food right now, but she gave them a little smile anyway. Shino and her both got up in front of their friends. Hinata seemed to have suspicions about what was going on. She looked at Mizuiro and smiled happily.

"It's pretty late though," said Hinata innocently. "I'm kind of tired."

"Indeed," added Shino.

"What!? R-really, guys?" Argued the dog owner. "What about you Mizu'?"

She just wanted to be with Shino.

"Well... uh..."

Kiba shrugged, then stretched his arms.

"Urgghh... All right... anyway, Akamaru must miss me by now. Shall we go, then?"

The four of them walked out of the festival side by side, Hinata and Kiba rambling about small things. Sometimes, Shino would add his opinion too, but Mizuiro didn't really pay attention to their sayings. Shino just told her he was glad that she liked him. She couldn't think of anything else. Hinata did ask her if everything was okay at some point, and she answered with a simple nod. Her whole world has been turned upside down in seconds. She needed time to process everything while they dropped Hinata and Kiba at their respective houses.

The two insects lovers were alone now, Mizuiro following his lead in silence. Around three minutes later, Shino suddenly stopped and seemed confused; another thing Mizuiro rarely observed coming from him.

"Oh, right." He started. " I was going to my place since it's near, but I should bring you to your place first."

"Are you sure? I don't want to delay you."

"I'm never wasting my time with you," he casually replied.

This comment made her feel blissful. He was always nice to her, but after what he had said before, it seemed more than simple politeness.

"Thank you."

They walked close to each other, the sound of the festivities behind them getting distant. Nobody was walking on the streets, which was special in Konoha. Everyone was busy because of the festival; the night was particularly calm. Crickets slowly began to chirp as they were getting close to her house.

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