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Even if Kiba kept asking about their relationship, neither Shino nor Mizuiro would answer him. Hinata quickly showed empathy considering the circumstances and asked him to stop politely. The waiter came back with the addition, which made the current subject escape the attention it had for a moment. They paid for their food, and Mizuiro mildly lost her balance when she got up. Kyousuke helped her before she fell.

"We should probably go" mentioned Hinata. "Will you be ok on the way home?"

"Should be," Kyousuke said while putting his arms around his teammates. "They can sleep at my place. It's closer from here and we're used to slumber parties. 

"It's not like we're wasted, dumbass."

"Ah, there it is: drunk, angry Emi." He added.

She scoffed silently then waved at everyone before starting to walk alone. Kyousuke quickly ran after her, saying goodbye to the others from afar. Mizuiro bowed down slowly in front of Hinata, Kiba and Shino, not without addressing him a timid smile.

"It was nice meeting your teammates," said Hinata. "Well, Kiba seemed to know them already..."

"Yeah," he added, "but apparently I don't know them half as much as I thought!"

Mizuiro sighed.

"Sorry about the game."

"Don't worry," Shino told her. "Have a good night."

She smiled at her friends, and as soon as she noticed the extending distance between herself and her teammates, she hurried at them.

~ ~ ~ 

Her head was spinning. She opened her eyes and realized she was at Kyosuke's place, lying on a very comfortable bed. His bed. She felt something heavy on her chest, and as she slowly moved Emi's arm aside from her, she stretched before sitting up. She hesitantly moved her feet out of the bed and almost hit Kyousuke who was sleeping on the floor. Mizuiro thought it was nice of him to let them use his bed, although she vaguely remembered insisting it was not necessary. 

"So, hum, Mizu..." suddenly mumbled Emi. " 'guess I should apologize or something."

"Ah, good morning..." she whispered back. "And...It's ok..."

"How come you never told us? I mean, I get not saying anything to Kyousuke but..."

"I'm literally right here!" He protested, a yawn mixing with his tone.

"But me?" Emi insisted.

Mizuiro sighed.

"It's only been a week or so."

"Exactly. More than enough time to tell us."

Mizuiro felt something kindly patting her right foot. She looked down, witnessing her teammate smiling at her, although he couldn't bring himself to open his eyes just yet.

"It's ok Mizu'. Don't let miss curiosity-above-all tell you how to deal with your couple situation."

"C-couple!?" Mizuiro repeated. "I don't know if we can call it like that after a week..."

She let herself fall back on the bed, sinking her face into a pillow. Mizuiro let out a complaining sound, her head hurting more and more every second she was thinking about how she wished everything would've happened differently.

"I'm sorry I didn't spend enough time with you these days..." she finally let out.

"That's fine..." Kyousuke added. "You're here now. Shall we make breakfast and talk ?" 

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