Two boys, two friends

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The next day
Bryan and Kara were sitting in her room talking. Kara was drawing something while Bryan was explaining history to her.
"That's the basic things you need to know. But I'll help you anything." Bryan said putting an arm around Kara pulling her close to him.
Kara giggled nervously and pulled away from him.
"Let's..keep it at the term friends mkay?" She asked.
Bryan pouted.
"Why?" He asked.
Kara blinked.
"I like a friend Bryan. Please respect that" Kara pleaded putting her sketch book away.
"After today we can be friends. But give at least this time to..flirt with you?" Bryan laughed.
Kara didn't say anything.
"I'm taking that as a yes! I'm fine with you wanting to be friends Kara. It doesn't hurt. I'm just glad I got to meet you." He said.
Kara nodded as the bell rang. She looked at Bryan and ran downstairs and opened the door with Bryan behind her.
"Hey Kent." Dick said as the door opened.
"..hello..what are you Smallville?" Kara asked stepping outside.
"Came to check up on you. And we have a-"
"Who are you?" Bryan cut him off.
He closed the door behind him and stepped beside Kara.
"I'm D- Richard Wayne." Dick said using his real name.
"Wayne? What's a rich brat like you doing in Kansas." Bryan said surprised.
"Bryan! D- er..Richard is my very good friend!" Kara said stepping in front of the boy.
"Got a problem with me?" Dick asked over Kara.
"Richard! Enough!" Kara said turning her close friend.
"Sorry Kara..But I just came to make sure you were okay." Dick said
"She's with me. Of course she's okay." Bryan said pulling Kara close to him causing Dick to narrow his eyes and Kara to blush.
"Um sure whatever...but thanks but I'm fine." Kara said pulling away.
"I'm sorry..I think I interrupted you and your boyfriend." Dick spat.
"Boyfriend?! Richard no!" Kara said.
"I wish I was her boyfriend. But the farm girl wants me and her to be friends...of course I have today to flirt." Bryan said smirking.
"DID this amazing and strong woman decide that you can flirt with her for today!?" Dick asked
"No I did not! And I also am okay! Now can both of you just stop!" Kara yelled.
Both boys turned to her.
"Bryan...I think you should leave. I'll see you Monday. I have to explain somethings to this one." Kara said pointing to Dick.
"Mkay..see you Monday. Don't hurt her rich kid." Bryan said walking off the farm.
Kara and Dick watched him walk out of view and Kara grabbed Dick and Supersped them into the Barn.
"WHAT THE HECK DICK!?" She yelled.
"I was worried he was going to hurt you!" Dick yelled.
"Why!? Why would my friend hurt me! And why would you travel across the country instead of just sending a drone or something!?" Kara shouted.
"Because..I was afraid Kara." Dick said quietly and sat down on the hay stack.
"A-Afraid?" Kara repeated standing infront of the boy.
"Of what. Why were you afraid?"
Dick looked up and took a deep breath.
"I was afraid..that he was going to take you away from me." He said his blue eyes staring at Kara's as her face calmed down.
"I don't quiet understand Dick." She said calmly.
Dick stood up and put his arms around Kara's waist and pulled her close to where their faces were only inches apart.
" you Kara. A lot more than a normal friend." He said quietly causing Kara to blush slightly.
The alien was silent but then smiled.
"I care about you too Dick." Kara said looking up at him.
"Really..." he asked
"I do Richard..a lot..I was just worried on..ruining our friendship..and I still am." Kara said pulling away and turning around so her back was facing her friend. Dick walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her.
"Whatever you do Kara..can never...ever..make me hate you." He said.
Meanwhile in ???
"Activate the machine...but this it on the girl." A mans voice echoed.
"Yes sir." Another man said.
People turbines and types on computers and a machine looking like the cross between and satellite dish, and a laser gun, released a wave of sounds.
Back at the barn
Kara smiled and turned to her Dick. Then she went pale. The ringing was back.
"Robin!" She yelled covering her ears.
"Kara!?" Dick said embracing her in a hug.
"It's louder and different! It hurts! I- AH!" Kara shrieked.
Dick pressed a button and started to speak into his com. Superman sped over his face filled with worry as he spotted his cousin.
"How come I don't here it!?" He yelled coming over to them.
Clark grabbed both of the teens and flew them to the Young Justice bass at light speed. Dick was carrying Kara bridal style as Clark led him to the main room where a table was set up.
"Lie her down here!" Meagen yelled.
Dick placed down Kara even though she was still screaming and her body was twisting and turning.
Meagen touched Kara's forehead as Diana attached a device to the Martian's. A loud ringing filled the room and everyone covered their ears. Then Kara grabbed Meagens hand and took it off her head silencing the ringing.
"Kara why did you- WHATS GOING ON!" Meagen said.
Kara was vibrating at a violent speed and was screaming. Kara then propelled forward and skidded infornt of the Wall.
"Oh no! We have to stop her powers!" Wally said
"Ya think!?" Artemiz said as Dick ran forward.
"Kara! Focus on my voice! I know it's hard but you have to listen to me!" He yelled as Kara's eyes become a deep red.
"I...It..Hurts!" Kara strained voice said as her body stopped shaking.
Her eyes glowed and Dick dodged a laser.
"Kara! You have to control your powers! This is exactly what whoever is doing this wants!" Conner yelled.
In ???
"Knock her out and find her." A voice said
"Sir yes sir."
At Young Justice base
Kara closed her eyes because the ringing stopped. Her red eyes turned blue and she fell forward. Dick ran up and caught her.
"You okay?" He asked her.
"I cant...focus..I think I'm" Kara said as she fainted in Dicks arms.

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