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Chpt 2: Tanked

(Rinus’s pov)

My eyes cracked open, and I saw a seahorse swimming slowly past my face. I laid there on the soft sand, not sure where I was. I remember seeing those strange creatures, then something hitting me in the head. I sat up and looked around. I imminently noticed that the water was a lot clearer, and brighter than what it used to be; not only that, but less salty, too. I looked around and saw that I was in some weird ocean. There was sand all around me, as well as some seaweed and coral, but the sand just seemed to stop several yards on either side of me, then continue into darkness. I slowly swam up to where the sand stopped and bumped into something hard. I looked up and found another merman staring at me. Startled, I screamed. The other merman did the same, but I only heard my voice. I then tilted my head to the side, and the merman copied me. I waved my hand, smiled, swam around, and even snarled at the other merman, but he just did the same. Was he mocking me?

“Who are you?” I asked. His lips moved in time with mine, but again, I only heard my voice. Something then came to mind, and I gasped. “Is that…me? But how can I see myself? I never have before.” I looked at myself, still puzzled on how I could see myself. I had blueish yellow hair that flowed with the water, and deep blue fins poking out of the side of my head. My dark green eyes were wide with wonder, and my pale pink lips were parted with a gasp, showing off the tips of my sharp teeth. I had high cheek bones and a thin face, with a straight nose. I had pale white skin that would fade into violet-blue scales around my body. My long neck had gills on both sides and it curved out into thin shoulders, which lead to long, thin arms that were covered in scales from the elbow down. My hands were also covered in scales with blue webbing in between my long fingers, which held long sharp nails. My torso was also a bit thin, and faded out into my tail, the scales starting just below my belly button. I twisted my body to look at the fin that poked out of my back, starting just below my shoulders, and also saw that scales covered most of my back. The fin continued down my tail about half way. Two long fins sprouted on the sides of my tail about halfway down to flow down to my tail fin. My tail fin was a deep violet that flowed like the fin of an angel fish.

“So, I see you are awake.” The deep voice came out of nowhere, and I whipped around to see who it was, but no one was in the weird ocean with me. I swam around for a moment, but still couldn’t find anybody. Then there was a chuckle and the voice spoke up again. “Come over to the glass that has the speaker in it.” I tilted my head to the side, not understanding at all. I could hear the voice, but all I heard were noises. Did he speak differently than me? My mother once told me that different beings spoke in different way.

“I don’t understand.” I said, although I’m sure the what-ever-it-was the voice came from didn’t understand me either. Then I suddenly heard tapping; but this tapping wasn’t on something like a rock or shell. This tapping was on the wired wall thing that I had swam into and that had shown me, me.  I swam up to the one that the tapping seemed to come from and peered at the wall. What I saw confused me. It looked like there was space beyond the wall, but not filled with water. The space was slightly lit up, showing me that it seemed pretty simple, with nothing in it but another one of those creatures I had saw on the boat thing. This one stood tall on two limbs where his tail should be if he was like me. He had curling black hair and dark brown eyes that peered right at me through the wall thing. So he could see me like I could see him? Was it a him? I could not tell. He was covered in weird stuff that coved all of him except for his head, neck, and hands.

The thing smiled at me and he suddenly said something else. “Guards, bring in the elf. If he says he has made contact with mer-folk before, then I don’t think he’ll have trouble talking to this one.” I then watched as two other things who also looked like the strange creature, take off out of the space and into another by going through something that opened, and then closed. I haven’t even noticed them there.

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