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Pocahontas was currently looking at Abel's hat. She was trying to figure out what it was. Then she put it on her head. It was too big, but Abel's barely taller than her. Maybe two or three inches. Abel laughed and Pocahontas looked at him with a smile. "It looks better on you." He told her. "It's called a hat." They were seated on a cliff. "So, what is this river called?" Abel asked with his journal out. "Quiyoughcohannock." She replied. Abel wrote it down as fast as she said it. "The names here are odd." Abel said with a chuckle. "Quiyoughcohannock. Pocahontas." He said her name and lifted the brim of the hat to show her face. "You have the most unusual name too." Pocahontas said and took off the hat. "Abel Smith." Suddenly there was a squeak and Abel looked down. "Hey." He said and grabbed the raccoon in his bag by the tail. He pulled him out and saw he had a cracker and ate it. He held him up. "Is this bottomless pit a friend of yours?" Abel asked Pocahontas. "Meeko." She said and flipped him rightside up. "Hey Meeko. How are you?" Abel asked and held his hand out. Meeko licked his lips. He grabbed Abel's hand and looked at it in every angle. Obviously he didn't find what he wants because he glared at Abel. He let go and crossed his arms, pouting. "Oh. I see." Abel said. "It's just a handshake. Here I'll show ya." He held his hand out further to the two. "Nothings happening." Pocahontas said after staring at the hand. "I need your hand first." Abel responded. Meeko jumped off her lap and she put her hand gently in his. She was looking at their hands the whole time. So he shook her hand. She gave a toothy smile. "It's how my people say hello." Abel told her. She gave him an intrigued look. "This is how we say hello." She did a gesture with her arm. "Wingapo." She said. Abel copied her. "Wingapo." He repeated. "And how we say goodbye." The same gesture. "Ana." Abel chuckled. "I think I like hello better. You're an interesting woman." He told her. She smiled at him. The bird apparently got angry because it started buzzing around Abel's face. "Hello." He said. The bird flew over to Pocahontas and landed on her finger. "Flit just doesn't like strangers." She said. "He's protective. That's good." Abel said. "Means he cares about you. But I can see why." Abel smiled at Pocahontas. She smiled right back. "But I'm not a stranger anymore." He reached a finger to Flit, who pecked at his hand. Abel moved it back. "Stubborn little fellow, huh?" "Very stubborn." Pocahontas agreed. "Hey." Abel said as Meeko came out of his bag with something in his mouth. Meeko looked at him and ran. "Meeko. Come back here." Pocahontas ordered. Meeko took it out of his mouth, which revealed it to be a compass. "Can i please have it back buddy?" Abel asked. Then as if taunting him, Meeko started smashing the compass on a rock. "Hey. Knock it off." Abel said and jumped at Meeko. Meeko dodged and ran up the tree and repeated the process by hitting the compass on a branch. "Meeko, bring that back." Pocahontas ordered. "No, don't worry." Abel reassured, still on the ground. "He can keep it. It'll be a gift. I got an extra anyways." With that he sat up. "What was that?" Pocahontas asked. "My compass." Abel told her while brushing the dirt off his pants. "Compass?" Pocahontas asked, confused. "It tells you how to find the way when ya get lost." Abel explained. "Here, I'll show ya." He reached in his bag and pulled out a compass. "Look." He told Pocahontas, who leaned over to get a better look. "See the arrow?" Pocahontas nodded. "That arrow, no matter where it points, is always going to show which way north is." "Incredible." Pocahontas said. "I'll replace that one in London though." Abel told her as he put the compass in his bag. "London? Is that your village?" Pocahontas asked. Abel looked at her. "Kinda." He said. "Think of it this way. It's a village, but it's farther than the eye can see. If you're in the middle, it will probably take a day to leave." "Amazing." Pocahontas gasped. "What's it like?" He now had her full attention. "Well, the streets are full of carriages, bridges over the rivers, and building as tall as trees." Abel explained and gestured to the tree above them. "I'd like to see those things." Pocahontas said while looking up at the tree. "You will." Abel said. "How?" Pocahontas asked curiously. "We're going to build them here." Abel said as he stood up. "I'm trying to learn your use for the land, but my people want to show yours how to use this land in a different way. How to make the most of it." "How to make the most of it?" Pocahontas asked confused. "Yep." Abel replied. "I told them that this isn't the right thing to do. They won't listen to me. They'll build roads and houses, and..." "Our houses are fine." Pocahontas agreed. "And I agree. They have other opinions." Abel explained. Pocahontas looked around and got up, walking away. "Wait, please. I still want to know..." He was cut off as Flit buzzed around his head. "Hey." Abel complained. "Wait." He said as he ran in front of her canoe. He stopped it. "There is so much we can teach each other." He told her. "We can improve each other's lives." "You have nothing to teach us." Pocahontas said sternly. "Okay. But please. Teach me." Abel requested. "I want to learn." She looked at him. Then she smiled as she jumped off her canoe and onto the branch above and started climbing. Soon Abel smiled, getting the idea, and followed her. "I'm coming." He said. "Oh, you'll have to be faster." Pocahontas teased. Then Abel grabbed a branch to get a grip. But the branch broke and he fell all the way to the bottom, screaming as Pocahontas looked on worried. Abel hit the bottom on his butt. But his hat wasn't there. Till it fell on his head crooked. He fixed it just as Pocahontas landed on her feet on the ground. She walked over. She leaned in front of his face with a smile. "That was a big fall." She teased.
(Replace John with Abel in the song.)

After that little number, the two were holding hands. They both leaned in close. Then Abel held her in a tender grip. Then They heard a faint drum beat. Pocahontas looked horrified. Abel looked behind him. "What is it?" He asked. "The drums." Pocahontas replied. "I need a little more to go on." Abel replied. "They mean trouble." Pocahontas clarified. Abel looked at her. "I shouldn't be here." Pocahontas panicked. She started to walk away, but she didn't get far before Abel grabbed her arm. "I'd love to see you again." He told her. "I can't." She denied. He ran in front of her. "Please don't go." He begged. "I'm sorry." Pocahontas apologized. Abel pulled her close and looked at her. He leaned toward her, but she leaned back. "I have to go." she told him softly. He looked at her as she ran past him and to her canoe.

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