Chương 4

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I don't own KHR or Naruto, Amano Akira and Masashi Kishimoto does.


"A ninja must see underneath the underneath"

- Hatake Kakashi


Naruto never thought that she would say something like this about someone related to Tsuna, but she was going to kill his father.

After they started their training that morning, before school started, Tsuna decided to tell her about his father and her dislike for the man started with just a few words. If he hadn't been so absent and liar (and doesn't matter what Tsuna says, he knows that the man is lying. Because frankly, working with penguins in the Polo North is an excuse as worse as the ones Kakashi used), then maybe Tsuna would have been stronger (be it mentally, physically or emotionally).

That day, she was trying to teach him the basic katas for the Academy Taijutsu Style when she noted that someone was watching the two of them. In the beginning, Naruto decided to ignore it thinking it was Hibari again (who had been stalking her since their short fight days ago), but the hiding presence didn't have the same feeling as Hibari, it seemed more malicious than irritated and curious.

Not liking the way the presence seemed to focus only on Tsuna, Naruto made her friend run around the old man's house wearing weights till he couldn't move anymore, nodding her head with satisfaction when he began to whimper. Using this as an excuse to finish their training session early, she asked him to wait for inside the house and prepare himself for school while she finished her own katas.

Sighing, Naruto put one of her hands in her hair discreetly and smiled as the familiar material of the senbon she had hidden there touched her fingers. With precision, she threw the senbon toward the presence who still had to show any sign that it would leave his hiding place among the trees behind the house.

Hearing a gasp of pain, Naruto smirked knowing she had hit the target and that now she could identify the presence as a man. The man came out of his hiding place with one hand on his right arm which was bleeding. Naruto frowned a little disappointed, but decided to remain silent as she waited for the man speak.

He was not very special. The man possessed hair and brown eyes and he was not much taller than Iruka ... In fact, if they were in the midst of a crowd, Naruto would never think of looking in his direction more than one time.

"It seems the information was wrong." Naruto narrowed her eyes. "The CEDEF leader's son did have protection..."

What the hell is CEDEF?

The man shook his head as he walked in Naturo and smiled, a sick smile that made her think of Kabuto, and toke his hand from his wounded arm. Naruto watched with pure disbelief as his hand was consumed by some type of red flame.

This is not chakra!

Not wanting to see how those flames could affect her, Naruto focused some chakra in her feet and before the man could even react she was in front of him. She grabbed his injured arm, making him scream, and moved it backwards. With another fast movement, the man was facing the ground with a kunai in his neck. He looked at Naruto from the corner of his eyes, and if the situation wasn't so serious, the blonde would have laughed at the expression on the man face that starting to get as pale as an Uchiha.

"Now... Why don't you answer some of my questions like a good boy?" If he could, the man would have paled even more at her grin. But she didn't blame him, not when she tried to make an expression that Anko would be proud of.

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