Chp.1. Rain.

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Bella's pov

Staring out at the skyline from up here is pure beauty to behold. As an added bonus it's night, causing all the city lights to be on. A silent breeze brushed past my face, pushing any stray strands of hair behind me.

I smiled.

None of this was ever possible for some people. But here I was, coming over any spare nights. I mean sometimes I do scare the workers, but that's only because I sit on the railing. After many incidents they finally figured out I wasn't trying to die. It's nice, up here. Calm, peaceful, quiet. There's rarely anyone else up here, but if anyone else is up here it's generally an astronomer staring at the stars. But I couldn't agree with them less. The view of stars up here is beautiful. Especially on a clear night, but tonight dark clouds loomed overhead. So I was the only person up here.

Well I did think that until I heard a crash and someone yell out in frustration.

It's not that I don't want to help, it's more talking to people makes me stutter and lose my train of thought. It's impossible to string a simple sentence together. All words seemed to fail me.

Turning away from the door and back into the sky, I heard heavy footsteps coming this way. Deciding to ignore them I continued my search in the sky. Looking out into the galaxy laying before me I glanced in every possible direction. Unable to spot anything interesting or new I sighed. I stared down now, before looking up once again.
"NOOOOO!" Screamed a voice behind me. Shocked I jumped a little, not losing my balance but having to rearrange myself. After finishing, I felt to strong arms snake there way around my waist and pull me down from the railing. Unable to see the person I froze. Suddenly a male voice started speaking.
"What where you thinking? I know life might be tough right now, but jumping off and committing suicide, but it's not the way!" There was worry and fear prominent in his voice, along with a sense of urgency.
With those words spoken I felt my face heat up. I started struggling to get away and when that didn't work, decided with covering my now crimson red face. He saw this and must have taken it as me crying as he was now apologising profusely. More footsteps where heard when another person walked through the door.
"Haha! I win!" Yet another male voice was heard.
"No you didn't Daniel, you cheated!" Yet another male voice said. Oh how I wished the workers would come to free me from this mess created by a simple misunderstanding.
"No Hosuh. I won far in square." He trailed off as I guessed he and the other new boy had just seen what they had walked in on.
"What happened here?" Boy 3 asked.

Peeking from my oversized sweater arms I saw that boy three was a rather tall boy with long white hair. It was tied back into a short ponytail. Peeking at boy 2 I saw another rather tall boy. He had green hair but it wasn't long like boy 3's hair. Seeing as boy 1 still had his arms around my waist I couldn't see what he looked liked.
"Are we interrupting something here?" The green haired one asked.

Deciding this was my opportunity I broke free of boy 1's arms. Then proceeded to bolt past the other two. I ran all the way to Jeff. He works in the library department here and usually gave me books to read if the clouds covered the views.
"Bella?" He asked, shocked. "What are you doing? You don't usually leave until later."

I looked at him and blushed.
(Not in that way, Jeff is an older gentleman. 75 years old)
"There may have been a misunderstanding." I muttered, looking away in shame. Jeff always had to deal with me freaking other visitors out because I sat atop the safety railing. He and Sean (pronounced sh - or - n) where always having to deal with calming the people down and explaining the situation to them. But even after all that I was still welcome here any time. David was the boss here, and with me coming every chance I can means that it looks like this place is rarely ever empty. Because it's almost never empty it fills up quite a bit, the part where I go is a booking room on busy days and open for scientists. I'm allowed full access because when I'm in here and no one else is they classifie the room as booked, making it a desired room. Anyway, Jeff lead me through the corridors until we found the boys in another room. One full of planets. I finally saw what the 1st boy looked like. He had a purple mohawk, not the super spiked ones, but more of the calmer, 'cooler' ones.

I saw them look over due to Jeff clearing his throat. I blushed and looked away, creating a curtain of hair over my face and suddenly became very interested in the small size of my feet.  I
Heard Jeff begin talking,
"I apologise for miss Bella's actions, she was in no way trying to be harmful to herself or others. She was merely star gazing. As an employee here it's my fault that I hadn't previously told you." He finished by bowing his head. Then proceeded to push me forward. Against all struggling I was still a few steps away from the three boys.
"Bella. You know what to do." I silently glared at Jeff. Not looking up from the ground I muttered an almost inaudible, "sorry for frightening you." They seemed to hear me. So I started back towards Jeff. My face now yet again burning red.
"Come along now Bella, we have books to rearrange." After that was said I bolted from the room, happily skipping along. I heard Jeff yell from behind me.
I giggled and continued on my way.

Jeff's pov

Seeing her skipping off like that, I knew I wasn't going to be allowed to touch anything. She was going to organise them my the alphabet, then colour order in there letters.
Looking back at the boys, I sent an apologetic glance before going as fast as I could to catch her.  I could feel the confused looks from them as I continued chasing the sneaky girl.

Time skip because Stephens laugh is super adorable. Go to the FBI vid to hear how friggen cute it is. The channel is Danplan

Bella's pov

I had just finished up with Jeff and had taken my leave. Walking towards my house I felt a cold, wet sensation on my nose. It has started to rain. Not really caring much I continued walking as it poured down. Seeing was almost difficult now, and driving would have become extremely dangerous.
Walking was the best option of transportation. I mean staying where you are and waiting for the rain to die down was probably the smarter option but I was not going to stay where the boys are.

Soon I had made it inside. Instantly I sneezed. Sighing I walked to my room, changed out of my wet clothes and bundled myself under every blanket I owned. I sneezed twice more. My eyes became droopy. Falling asleep instantly. I was whisked away to a world of dreams.

Hey guys. It's me Luna. Soooooo ok here's the deal. I'm writing over ten books at the same time and keeping track of them all is a nightmare. I hope you understand. Also sorry that I haven't updated anything else I'm just getting started with a few new ones and editing a bunch of old ones. And I'm looking for some fanart for any of my books, because although updates are slow. Knowing people love my works would definitely boost my will to write more. You can also tell me if you want me to show your art at the end of an upcoming chapter so others can see it or it can stay between us. Let's hope I'm not that much of a loser! Please be patient with me as the time in my life right now is extremely stressful and I'm trying my hardest to update everything. Comment your thoughts on my books and vote for them if you think they deserve it or in other cooler words, they are worthy! Anyway thank you guys so much I've had so many nice comments and I would really like some ideas and constructive criticism. Not just criticism. Anything mean, and I shall call you a meanie bum. By wolf pack! Signing off till next update!
Love ya!

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